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Democracy of Whores

Nuku'alofa, 25 May, 2015.

The decision made by the new Prime Minister Pohiva and his government to elope with the CEDAW while arrogantly rejecting the Church leaders’ voice is whoring of political power at the international and local level. 

With this unexpected stubbornness, it has forced me to call Tongan democracy a democracy of whores since it has become a tool to gain personal power and prestige at the cost of democratic, moral, and spiritual integrity.

It’s a democracy of whores because this government was conceived out of wedlock through a “one night” political stand between the Prime Minister Pohiva and the CEDAW’s Representative Fe’ao Vakataa. Before the 2014 election, Pohiva’s Kele’a trashed Vakataa as one of the corrupted ones of the former government.  After the election, Pohiva knew that in order for him to be the Prime Minister, he had to “bribe” Vakataa with the ministerial position.  

Upon what principles did you make that decision? Is this a Machiavellian motion—keep your friends close and keep your enemies closer? Or a desperate attempt to seize the political power?  

If Akilisi is a man of principle as idolized by his followers, he would have stayed faithful to his principles regardless of the outcome.  But, he did not.  He took the bait and after five months in power, all we see is a professional politician like everyone else.

While we were watching and awaiting the reform, Pohiva handpicked his own son as his personal administrative assistant.  Surprisingly, the Parliamentarians for Global Action which honored Pohiva as the propagator of democracy set a blind eye, a mouth shut, and a deaf ear on this undemocratic act of nepotism.  

What kind of democracy is that?  After thirty years of trashing and criticizing the government, and that’s what you have to offer us?  While many of us were still crying foul for such unbecoming decision, our voices were drowned by the laughter from the United Nation Headquarter in New York.  Pohiva and his Cabinet boldly and swiftly decided to ratify this Convention without waiting for further discussion in the Parliament or broader consultations with the people of Tonga.  

Is this a quick cover up at the international level for the misadministration of power at the local level when Pohiva appointed his own son to be his administrative assistant?  Or is it a remedy for his discrimination against women as shown by his refusal to nominate any female Tongan to be in his Cabinet?  

As our “uneducated” Church leaders voiced their grievances and objection against CEDAW, Pohiva and his learned Cabinet willfully ignore the Church leaders claiming that he and his government know better what is best for the women of Tonga.  

Mr. Prime Minister, obviously you and your supporters did not do your homework.  Do you know why U.S refused to ratify the CEDAW?  Do you have any verifiable evidence that  discrimination against women are lower in CEDAW member countries than the non-members?  Do you know that there are academics and India, Pakistan, and other third world countries who complain and criticize how CEDAW brought more harm than good?  Do you know that CEDAW is strongly backed and used by militaristic feminists who define “women’s right,”“equality,” and “non-discrimination” far beyond the common definitions we used to have?

You’re right, Mr Prime Minister.  CEDAW never forced any country against its will.  But here is the danger.  They seduce and they pressure.  Through their funded seminars and trainings, they train their militaristic representatives and leaders who in turn seductively indoctrinate this generation with radical progressive ideas that can change cultures and bring more harm than good to women and society as a whole.

A peer reviewed article appeared in Melbourne Journal of International Law (Oct 2009) by Jivan and Forster entitled Challenging Conventions: In Pursuit of Greater Legislative Compliance with CEDAW in the Pacific is an example of how international progressive academics pressure governments to adjust their laws to comply with the CEDAW’s demands, while blaming the influence of Christianity as “lasting impact of Western Colonization.”

Mr. Prime Minister, it’s not the “letter of the law” as stated in the CEDAW’s bills of rights that matters since there is no direct permission of lesbian marriage, abortion, or prostitution.  Rather, it is the “spirit of the law” and the original intent of the CEDAW which stretched, impregnated, and loaded those two terms with meanings that confuse the wrongful discrimination against women with the God-given distinctions between men and women.

Mr Prime Minister, you do have the power to make laws and policies to protect and honor our women.  Use it.  Use it for the common good and not to build your international reputation.  You do not need CEDAW to help our women.  America has been doing that without surrendering to the CEDAW because of the pressures from Christians through the Republican Party.

Tonga has been founded upon the marriage of Church and State.  That saved Tonga from colonialism of the 18th and 19th century.  We face a new form of colonialism in this century.  It is about ideas that have consequences.  CEDAW is a form of colonialism where atheists work as wolves clothed as sheep and you’re already being deceived or you have willfully rejected our nation for political benefits. 

To save Tonga from this 21st century colonialism, Mr Prime Minister, Church is your legitimate partner. Trusting CEDAW and distrusting our spiritual leaders is a sign of spiritual, moral, and intellectual immaturity and also a lack of political will to make decisions based on principles and democratic process.

Mr. Prime Minister, anything that has to do with changing of culture especially controversial issues like gay marriage and CEDAW, you do not decide it.  Do it through a democratic process.  Let the people vote for it after a robust debate from both sides of the aisles.

When negotiating and bargaining with great powers at the international level, you bargain from a standpoint of strength and not of weakness.  We don’t have economic or militaristic power.  The only possession we have is our faith from which we should stand and challenge the great powers.  When we lose our faith, we lose our freedom.  We lose our identity.

Biblically, God used the word “whore” as a metaphor for Israel when her leaders turned from God and trusted the great pagan powers for her well-being.  That’s what happening in our democracy, and we will not hesitate to call Tongan democracy as democracy of whores.

With Love for Tonga,

Tama Nomuka


  • student\s85501960
    student\s85501960 Sunday, 07 June 2015 13:19 Comment Link

    'E lava 'e taha 'o fakapapau'i mai 'e lava 'e he CEDAW 'o ta'ofi 'o tuku 'aupito hono ta mo hono ngaohi kovia e kakai fefine 'i Tonga ? 'Oku ou faka'amu kapau te tau mo'ui fuoloa ha ta'u 'e 10 ka hoko ke tau sio he ola e vili ta'e'unua 'a e kau me'a ni, kapau te tau ratify e CEDAW. Ka tali e mali e tangata mo e tangata, fefine mo e fefine pea tomu'a fakahoko pe 'i he'enau fanau mo honau fanga mokopuna. Kiate au 'e 'ika 'aupito te u tali 'e au.

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Thursday, 28 May 2015 16:11 Comment Link

    Tonga moe kakai Tonga, koe ki'i komiti CEDAW ko eni 'ae UN koe toko 23 pe, pea koe me'a ni 'e hanga 'ehe ki'i toko 23 ko eni 'o veteki, veuki mo fakata'e'aonga'i e talatukufakaholo moe nofo-'a-kainga faka-Tonga ne talu eni he senituli 'e fiha 'ene tu'u? Hange koe lau 'a Tama Nomuka moe kau fakafepaki ki he CEDAW, 'oku 'osi maau kotoa pe malu'i moe fakalangilangi e kakai fefine he lao 'o Tonga mo 'ene Konisitutone. Koe me'a fo'ou pe 'e 'omai 'ehe CEDAW koe: fakalao'i e fe'auaki 'ae kakai fefine (legalise prostitution), fakangofua e fakatotama, fakata'e'aonga'i e fatongia tauhi fanau e kakai fefine kae 'ave e fanau kihe playcentre, fakata'e'aonga'i e Sapate Fa'ee he 'oku ne fakamanatu mai e fatongia mah'inga 'oe fa'ee ki he famili, 'ae fatongia koee 'oku talamai 'ehe CEDAW 'oku kovi; holoki e kakai fefine ki he levolo 'oe kakai tangata etc. Koe ngaahi me'a nai eni 'oku fiema'u 'ehe kau poupou 'oe CEDAW ke 'omai ki Tonga ni?
    Koe fakatata eni: ka 'alu ha ki'i 'ofefine kei ako 'o fe'auaki totongi he ngaahi vaka meili pea tautea'i 'e he'ene tamai, 'e faka'ilo 'ehe 'ofefine e tamai pea 'e mo'ua e tamai koe maumau lao he kuo talamai 'e CEDAW kuo 'osi fakalao'i e fe'auaki totongi.
    Si'oto 'ofa Tonga. mahalo koe me'a eni 'oku poupou mai kiai e famili SUTT koee.

  • Talamatangi
    Talamatangi Tuesday, 26 May 2015 10:14 Comment Link

    Fieilo pe mo Fahina malie ko e lau 'a Nomuka 'oku 'i he Palemia 'a e mafai ke fa'u ha lao pe tu'utu'uni ke tokanga'i 'aki e kakai fefine. 'I he ta'u kuo'osi ne hu mai ai e lao ki he famili me'a faka'ofo'ofa 'a e 'iai pe 'etau me'a 'oku tau teuteu ke fai 'aki hotau malu'i. Ka 'oku mo'oni 'a Nomuka 'e fakatauma'ama'a kitautolu 'ehe Palemia ki hono va fakamamani lahi fakapolitikale. Na'a tau fa'a fanongo foki ki he lau 'e 'Amanaki hono ta 'ene tamai he lolotonga e fakatanga lotu. Ka 'oku to e tatau ha ta mo e haha hotau fakamo'ui pea ngali ia 'oku 'ikai ke 'iai ha loto fakamolemole he matakali ni. Fie fakamanatu atu Fahina ko e famili pe ia 'o Tevita 'oku fai kiai ha'ane na'ina'i ko e na'ina'i ki he Siasi Uesiliana ko e Palesiteni ia mo e Konifelenisi. Pea na'e 'ikai ke tali 'e he Kuata 'a e me'a ko 'eni ka 'oku 'ikai ketau 'ilo pe ko 'eni fakamatala ko 'ena 'o makatu'unga he ha.

  • Fahina
    Fahina Monday, 25 May 2015 22:23 Comment Link

    Fie'ilo koe ha e kaunga 'a e Fale 'o e Tu'i ki he CEDAW???... koe talite 'eni ke fakatau'ataina e kakai fefine mei he ngaahi fkehaua kotoa 'o e nofo ko'eni oku nau mo'ua ai. Oku 'iai nai ha talite pe heni ma'a e matu'a tangata?.. Ikai ???... Oku 'ikai ha'aku lave'i ki he kau Havea ka 'oku ou 'ilo'i koe sekelitali ia 'o e SUTT 'I Tonga mo mamani foki. Koe tangata kuo teu'i pea oku mahu'inga ene fktokanga ki hono kainga SUTT... Koe fksotoma moe abortion koe me'a fkfo'ituitui ia pea moe fili 'a e tangata... Oku hange koe fkmatala 'a Nomuka 'oku alu 'eni ke hange ha ga'unu fkpolitikale nai 'a e PM ka 'oku ou tui 'oku mahu'inga e me'a oku tui kiai e kau fefine 'oku nau teke 'a e CEDAW.. oku nau fe'ao mo si'i ni'ihi kuo fkehaua 'ehe ngaahi mali, tamai tuonga'ane he famili Tonga 'ae oku taku koe motu Kalisitiane.. hange kiate au koe motu ma'u lotu kae 'ikai koe Kalisitiane.. Toi mai e ni'ihi he tohi tapu ka koe feinga kotoa 'eni ke ma'u 'ehe kau fefine ha tau'ataaina pea mo tokoni 'a e Pule'anga ki hono hakeaki'i e mo'ui 'a e hou'eiki fafine. Moe 'ofa atu ki he kau talanga..

  • fieilo pe
    fieilo pe Monday, 25 May 2015 16:23 Comment Link

    Mo'oni 'aupito Talamatangi ho'o fklavelave mai. 'Oku malie 'aupito ho'o lave ki he kau Havea. Ki'i fktonutonu mai 'eku ma'u kapau ku hala, ne te'eki pe ke faifekau fktu'i 'a 'Amanaki Havea, koeha nai hono 'uhinga, ngalingali nai ko e tama ko eni ne tu'u fehangahangai pe ia mo e tu'i.
    Fefe nai e tama ko Salesi Havea ne puleako i Sia'atoutai, ne 'iai nai ha ngaahi me'a ne tukuaki'i kiai he taimi ne 'i Sia'atoutai ai.
    Fefe nai e ki'i Dr. Rev 'Ungatea Kata (Ko e ta'ahine eni 'a Sione Havea koee na'e faifekau mo puleako) ko e taha pe eni e huli e kau Havea.
    Fefe nai e tama ko Tevita Havea ko e Sekelitali Lahi e Siasi Uesiliana.'Oku mo'oni nai e talanoa na'e lea ia he kuata 'oku poupou e siasi ki he CEDAW. 'Oku tonu ke fai leva ha 'sio 'a e Siasi ki he fa'ahinga fknafala pehe ni. Ke 'ai 'ene tui fkfo'ituitui ko e lau ia 'a e Siasi. Katoa e kau tamani ku nau poupou kotoa ki he CEDAW (fktaha mo Drew Havea ne lave kiai a Talimatangi) Kapau te tau sio fklelei 'e lava pe ke tau fk'uhinga 'oku ngali tu'u fkfetau pe fkfepaki ma'u pe e Ha'a ia ko eni ki he Fale 'o e Tu'i.

  • Talamatangi
    Talamatangi Monday, 25 May 2015 12:02 Comment Link

    Josh Fahina 'e fakalata ange e lavelave kapau 'oku mata'u mo hema hoto su pea kapau 'oku fakatouhema pe pea 'e ngali faingata'a ange. KI'i 'alu 'o fakaloloto ho'o fekumi keke 'ilo 'a e felave'i 'a e kau Havea mo e ngaahi kautaha ko 'eni taki 'a e Pasifiki . Fefe 'a Tuluu Havea ko e taki ia 'a e Hu'anga mai 'o e ngaahi pa'anga tokoni ki he Sosaieti Sivile. Fahina 'alu o uku ke loloto pea ke toki ha'u 'o kau he talanga ke ke kau he tanaki mai ke 'aonga.

  • Fifita
    Fifita Monday, 25 May 2015 10:19 Comment Link

    Kuo ha e ' LOTO ENI E KAKAI " he ngaahi 'aho ni he lau 'a e Palemia koeni?..Ko e taimi ni ko e loto pe 'o 'Akilisi 'oku fiema'u...If we should look at the issue more closely and the ties that links to this issue and 'Akilisi's firm intention on ratifying CEDAW ,with 'Akilisi it's all political as his life has always been ,we can conclude that this has never been about women's right...remember last year's Parliament on his comment to the last female Minister of Education ,publicly putting her down as unworthy and not suitable to be a Minister for Education ( Dr. 'Ana Taufe'ulungaki , not worthy ? ) ..if we assess how this Prime Minister works and his agendas , he has been using different means and even good and respected people to achieve his own personal agendas and then discard them , just because they have better ideas then him ,and I can say that CEDAW is just another tool for him...the real issue in this political strive is directed at the only power left within the King and Nobles...LAND!!!..once CEDAW is ratified then that's when the real changes begins..reservations?..look around, most countries who had reservations were pressured to giving in to the Conventions needs and they finally who has the the real power now ?

  • Tama Nomuka
    Tama Nomuka Monday, 25 May 2015 09:05 Comment Link

    Ka oku takimu'a a Amelika i mamani o laka ha toe fonua i hono malu'i mo hakeaki'i e kakai fefinee. Ko hono mo'onii ko e fa'ahi Republican oku poupou ki ai e kau Kalisitianee pea oku nau fakafepaki ki he fakasotoma etc pea neongo e loto a Obama mo e fa'ahi Democrat ke tali e Amelika e CEDAW ka oku fakafepaki ki ai e Republican Party...This is culture war....pea neongo oku win e kau liberal mo e kau fakaikai Otua he ngaahi state e niihi o nau tali e fakasotoma ka oku ikai tali e he ngaahi state oku kei malohi ai e Fa'ahi Republican....Pea oku nau kei tali ni ki he ola e hopo i he Supreme Court pee e win e kau fakaikai Otua mo e liberal o tali e mali fakaSotoma i Amelika katoa pe ikai. Oku mislead e pehee kuo tali e Amelika e mali fakaSotoma....oku loi e half truth full lie e lau ko iaa...Tonu ke nofo hifo a Akilisi mo ene kau potoo o fa'u ha lao eg Equal Pay Act, Fair Housing Act, Equal Opportunity Act.....etc Oku lava lelei pee ehe national govt o fa'u e lao o hiki hake ai e kakai fefinee...teu toki lave atu he post ka hokoo fekau'aki mo e mo'oni'i me'a oku hoko i he UN mo e founga ngaue a e CEDAW enau fakaninimo holo he ngaahi pule'angaa

  • Josh Fahina
    Josh Fahina Monday, 25 May 2015 01:23 Comment Link

    Tama Nomuka ..
    Oku malie tama ho'o fakatalanoa ki Isileli moe USA.. Oku hange eni ia ka to ha fu'u mala'ia he fonua ko Tonga ka fai hano tali ehe Pule'anga 'a e talite ko eni ma'ae kakai fefine. Oku ou tui oku lolotonga tangutu pe a Amelika lahi moe fksotoma pea moe fakatotama neongo 'a e 'ikai ke nau fkmo'oni he talite ko'eni. Oku ou mahu'inga'ia he teke oku fai 'ehe kau fefine mei Women Crisis Center 'I Tonga.. Oku 'ikai koe teke ia ke faingofua ha nofo mali a ha fefine mo ha fefine ka 'oku nau teke koe'uhi ko 'enau siotonu he ta mo hono ngaohi kovia e finematu'a fefine 'ehe matu'a tangata.. na'e fai 'e Rev Dr Tevita Havea he tohi fanogongo oe ngaahi mahina kuo maliu atu 'a ene poupou ki he kainga SUTT kenau fiemalie pe he oku ikai uesia 'a e tui a e siasi mo enau tokateline 'I he cedaw.. tuku e Pule'anga ke nau fai 'enau ngaue ka tau nofo kitautolu ki hotau fatongia takitaha..
    ...Fefe ketau to'o e me'a oku sai pea fakatatafe atu 'aee oku 'ikai fiema'u 'ehe fonua..


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