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Semisi Potauaine's concept selected for Waiheke Headland Sculpture Featured

Semisi Potauaine with a model of his sculpture. Semisi Potauaine with a model of his sculpture.

20 July, 2016. A Titirangi resident is one of 34 people from all over New Zealand whose sculpture is going to be displayed as part of the 2017 Headland Sculpture on the Gulf.

Architect Semisi Potauaine made it through a tough three-phase selection process, which started with 250 entries - a record high for the outdoor sculpture exhibition.

His concept is titled Manuesina, which is a Tongan word meaning white bird.

An image of what Semisi Potauaine's sculpture Manuesina will look like when displayed as part of the 2017 Headlands Sculpture on the Gulf.

"Manu means a being or a thing and sina means white," he says.

The architect says he has used the bird as a symbol of global spirit. Potauaine's inspiration were intricate Tongan patterns called kupesi, which are highly symmetrical.

It will be installed at Waiheke next year and will be open to the public. Potential buyers will also have a chance to look at the sculpture

"I would love for someone to buy it and bring it back to west Auckland. I mean this is where most of the inspiration for the work came from. Ideally, it would be best suited for a place like Piha. There isn't a tourist who comes to our city who leaves without visiting the beaches in the west, especially Piha."

He has chosen white to symbolise "purity and a global spirit".

"White also represents the colour of the foam that forms when the sea meets the land."

Manuesina, he quips, is his contemporary interpretation of the western concept of an angel.

He says the geometrical nature of the sculpture makes it easy on the eye.

"The mind looks for patterns and symmetry so I think the design I have chosen will be help people grasp the idea."

The top half of his sculpture gives the impression of a bird plunging, whilst the bottom gives the appearance of a bird taking flight.

The sculpture will be constructed using an environmentally friendly engineered polymer and will weigh 4.5 tonnes when complete. It will be approximately 18 metres high. The total cost to complete the project will be upwards of $60,000.

Headland Sculpture on the Gulf will be open to the public from February 2, 2017.

 - Stuff


  • Toa Ko Maafu
    Toa Ko Maafu Friday, 22 July 2016 09:52 Comment Link

    Kuo ake manatu ki he lau 'a e tokolahi he ngaue 'a e tangata ni 'i he uafu Vuna ka ta koaa koe tama ni ia 'oku 'ilo'i fakamamani lahi.

  • Siotame
    Siotame Thursday, 21 July 2016 07:27 Comment Link

    Malo palofesa e vahevahe pea 'oku tau fiefia he ngaue ola 'etau tamaiki he mala'e ;o e 'a'ati 'i mamani. 'Oku kei mataa 'e he kakai 'o e fonua he 'aho kotoa 'a e ngaue 'a e matapule ni 'i he Uafu Vuna pea ko'ena kuo unuhi 'i Nu'usila lahi ke fakahoko e ngaue tatau. Malo e ngaue lahi pea 'oku tau fiefia kotoa ai.

  • Hufanga (Okusitino Mahina)
    Hufanga (Okusitino Mahina) Thursday, 21 July 2016 02:35 Comment Link

    'Oku malie fau hono toe hanga 'e Semisi Fetokai Potauaine 'o 'ave mo hiki he founga moe fotunga fo'ou 'ae kupesi tupu'a 'a Tonga meihe tu'unga motu'a -- 'o hange koe tufunga lalava, tufunga tavalivali, nimamea'a koka'anga, nimamea'a lalanga moe nimamea'a tuikakala kihe tukunga fo'ou -- 'o hange koe tufunga ta/tongiukamea, tufunga ta/tongi'aione pe tufunga ta/tongisitila, tufunga ta/tisainifakakomipiuta, tufunga ta/tongi'akau moe tufunga ta/tongimaka.

    'Oku 'ikai ngata pe foki hono ngaue'aki fo'ou 'e Semisi 'ae ngaahi me'a fo'ou -- 'o hange koe 'ukamea, 'aione pe sitila, komipiuta, 'akau moe maka -- ka 'oku ne toe ngaue'aki fo'ou foki 'ae founga / tekiniki fo'ou -- 'o hange koe kasa, peau/ngalu'uhila, maama, leisa moe ha fua.

    'Oku 'asi lelei 'ae hiki fo'ou ko 'eni hono toe ngaue'aki 'e Semisi 'oe kupesi tu'ufonua 'a Tonga he'ene sikalapusa tufunga ta/tongiukamea, ta/tongi'aione pe tufunga ta/tongisitila ko 'eni koe "Manuesina" (manuhina, manutea; laumanuhina, laumanutea) 'oku teuaki ke faka'ali'ali 'i Loto Waiheke (Vaieke) he Taulanga Waitemata 'i Fepueli 2017 -- 'aia koe hifonga moe hakenga 'oe folau 'eva (folau takimamata, folau tua pe folau pasese) -- moe ongo sikalapusa tufunga ta/tongiukamea, tufunga ta/tongi'aione pe tufunga ta/tongisitila koe "Hinavakamea" moe "Tunavakamea" he Uafu ko Vuna 'i loto Kolofo'ou he Taulanga Nuku'alofa he 2012 ta'u -- 'aia koe hifonga moe hakenga 'oe folau 'eva (folau takimamata, folau tua pe folau pasese).

    Na'e fakapa'anga, tufunga, langa mo fokotu'u 'ae "Hinavakamea" moe "Tunavakamea" koe konga 'oe Polokalama Fakafonua 'Aati Fakafonua 'a Tonga" (Tonga National Public Art Programme) 'ae Potungaue Takimamata (2010-2014) -- 'o tefito he talafonua tupu'a loloto, mohu mo masanisani 'a Tonga -- 'aia na'e kau hono ngaahi taumu'a ke fakamanako mo fakaafea 'ae loto moe ongo moe 'atamai moe fakakaukau 'ae folau 'eva ke manako mo afe 'i Tonga ma'ae lelei moe melenga faka'ikonomika fakalukufua 'ae fonua.

    'Oku ngaue, takai mo vilo tu'uma'u mo ta'engata (motion in infinity) 'ae ngaahi kupesi -- 'aia 'oku hu mei loto-ki-tu'a mo hu mei tu'a-ki-loto pea fehu'aki mei tafa'aki ki tafa'aki -- 'o hange koe 'Manuesina" moe "Hinavakamea" moe "Tunavakamea." 'Oku kau heni mo 'ene sipalapusa tufunga ta/tongi'akau koe "Lei'ataua" he Misiume 'oe 'Akiolosia moe 'Atolopolosia he 'Univesiti Kemipilisi 'i Lonitoni 'i Pilitania he 2010 ta'u -- 'aia na'e ngaue ai he'ene ma'u 'ae pale lahi he 'aati mei he fe'auhi fakata'u faka'aati 'ae Kautaha 'Aati Fakatahataha Fakavaha'apule'anga 'ae Ngaahi Fonua Kominiueli (Commonweath Connections International Arts Residencies Awards) he 2009 ta'u.

    'Oku 'asi lelei 'ae to'onga fakafa'ahikehe ('oku ui mo 'ave hala he 'aho ni tokua koe fakatevolo) 'ae kupesi he sikalapusa tufunga ta/tongiukamea, tufunga ta/tongi'aione pe tufunga ta/tongisitila koe "Manuesina" -- 'o peisi he kupesi manulua koe ongo fo'i manupuna 'e ua 'oku na puna fakataha -- 'aia koe kupesi manulua koe 'ata-ki-loto (pe ta moe va; abstract manifestation) ia 'oe ongo fo'i manupuna 'e ua pea koe ongo fo'i manupuna 'e ua koe 'ata-ki-tu'a (fuo moe uho; concrete formation) ia 'oe kupesi manulua.

    'Oku toe malie fau hono fokotu'utu'u fo'ou, loloto mo makehe fakapoto 'e Semisi 'ae "Manuesina" 'o tefito he kupesi manulua -- 'o hange ha ongo fo'i manuopuna koe tala -- 'aia 'oku puna tu'ulu hifo 'ae fo'i manupuna 'e taha mei he 'ata pe vava kihe fukahi tahi pe vai (mei 'olunga ki lalo) -- kae puna hake pe malanga 'ae fo'i manupuna 'e taha mei he fukahi tahi pe vai kihe vava pe 'ata (mei lalo ki 'olunga).

    'Oku 'omai 'ehe sikalusa tufunga ta/tongiukamea, ta/tongi'aione pe ta/tongisitila "Manuesina" 'ae 'ata malie, fonu mo loloto 'oe manu(puna) siutaka he moana -- 'aia 'oku siu (toutai; fangota) 'ae toenga kae puna takai 'ae manu vakai (pe manu e kaho) he 'ata pe vava koe asiasi telia na'a 'asi ha fili moha ika fekai -- pea 'oku ne puna tu'ulu hifo leva mei 'olunga ki lalo moe tangi le'olahi koe fakatokanga ke nau puna hake mo malanga 'o hola kenau hao mo mo'ui mei he fakatu'utamaki 'oku falafalanaki mo tu'utu'unuku mai!

    'Oku hoko 'ae feliliuaki, takai moe vilo tu'uma'u 'ae ngaahi kupesi kotoa pe 'o hange koe kauikalilio, veimau, faka-o-Tu'i-Tonga, kupenga, kefukefu, mata, hihifi, pangaikafa, tokelauFeletoa, humu moe ha fua -- 'o liliu mei he felekeu kihe maau he funga 'oe tatau, potupotutatau moe faka'ofo'ofa/malie -- 'o feliuliuaki mei he mamani 'oe fakafa'ahitatau pe fakafa'ahitaha (mamani 'oe 'a'a moe mo'ui) kihe mamani 'oe fakafa'ahikehe (mamani 'oe mohe moe mate) -- 'aia 'oku ne fanau'i 'ae ongo moe ivi 'oe mafana, vela moe tauelangi -- 'o 'ikai kei fakamamani kae fakalangi pe fakahevani.

    ('Oku pehe tofu hono ngaue'aki 'ae ongo fakafa'ahikehe, afo fangufangu pe fasi fakatangi pe minoa 'oe me'alea tupu'a koe fangufangu he fakatakatofa -- 'o liliu fakata-va, fakafuo-uo mei he mamani 'oe 'a'a kihe mamani 'oe mohe mo liliu fakafoki mei he mamani 'oe mohe kihe mamani 'oe ''a'a).

    'Ofa ma'u moe na'una'u,


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