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Fanofano E Palēmia: Kei Tukuaki’i Pe Kau Taki Lotu Featured

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‘Aho 28 Mē, 2015


Fakamolemole mu’a kae tu’u atu ‘eku tohi ko’eni mo ‘eku fifili he kuo kehe ‘eni kuonga ‘a e māmāfuli ‘a e to’onga mo e angafai ‘a e kakai hotau fonua ni pea kuo kamata ma’ama’a ‘a e ngaahi fakamamafa tupu’a ‘i he fonua. Ko e ngaahi faka’ilonga ‘i he ‘aho ni ‘oku ta’e’amanekina he ‘oku taaimu’a pe ‘a e kau Taki ‘o e Pule’anga ‘i hono fakangaloku ‘a e ngaahi tukituki tupu’a ‘i he fonua.

‘Oku ou ‘uhinga 'eni ‘etita ki he malava ke lea ta’eufi mo tukuaki’i ‘a e kau Taki Lotu pea a’u pe ki hono talamai ‘oku nau ta’e mahino ‘a ia ko hono ‘uhinga mo’oni ‘oku nau vale (Tapu ange He mo e Kau Taki Lotu) 'o 'ikai mahino kiate kinautolu 'enau me'a 'oku fakahoko.

‘Oku ‘ikai keu tui koha faka’ilonga lelei ‘eni pea ‘oku fu’u lahi ‘a e ngaahi lea hangatonu ‘i he TV, Letiō, Nusipepa ‘o kau ai mo e ‘Initaneti ko hono si’i tāpalasia ai pe si’i kau Taki Lotu. ‘Etita ‘oku ou fakatumutumu he ‘oku fo’ou kiate au ‘a e me’a ni pea ‘oku ou tui ta’e toe veiveiua koe ngaahi nunu’a fakatu’utamaki ‘eni ‘o e Temokalati mo e ngaahi totonu (human rights) pea ‘oku fakatupu tailiili.

‘Oku ou fakatumutumu ‘i hono faka’eke’eke mai ‘o e Palēmia ‘i he Televisone Tonga ‘anepō Pulelulu 27 ‘o Mē pea ‘oku ne kei tukuaki’i ai pe ‘a si'i kau Taki Lotu mo e ngaahi siasi na’e ‘ikai kenau ‘asi ange tokua ki hono talanga’i ‘o e ngaahi Kaveinga fekau’aki mo e CEDAW ‘i he ngaahi ta’u kuo maliu atu. Na’a ne toe pehē foki na’e ‘ikai ha’anau tokoni ‘e taha ki he me’a ni.

‘Oku mālie he ‘oku fakahā mei he tafa’aki ‘a e Kau Taki Lotu ‘i hono toutou faka’eke’eke mai kinautolu ‘i he mītia ‘oku nau kau ma’u pe talu mei mu’a ki hono talanga’i ‘a e ngaahi kaveinga pehe ni pea koe konga mahu’inga ia honau ngaahi fatongia. 'Ikai ngata ai ka 'oku tau fokoutua kotoa 'i Tonga ni pea 'oku tau 'ilo 'a e fatongia 'o e ngaahi fungavaka 'oku tau 'i ai. 'Oku 'ikai koha 'Otua 'a e Palēmia kene 'ilo e me'a kotoa.

‘Oku fai 'a e hoha’a he koe Palēmia ‘eni ‘oku taaimu’a mai 'i hono tukuaki’i e kau Taki Lotu pea ‘oku ‘ikai koha faka’ilonga lelei ia. ‘Oku mahino mai mei heni ‘oku kamata ke mavae māmālie ‘a e Pule’anga mo e Siasi pea ‘oku ou tui ta’e toe veiveiua koe mala ‘eni ki he fonua.

Ko e Palēmia vili ta’e’unua (kataki pe katau fakalea mahino pē) ‘o e ‘aho ni pea ‘oku ‘ikai ha’ane teitei toka’i ‘a e Lotu mo e Ngaahi Siasi he ‘oku kei tu’u kāivi pe ia ‘i hono tala ‘i he Televisone ‘oku ‘ikai tene ongo’i ‘oku ‘i ai ha ngāue hala ‘a e Pule’anga.

Na’a ne fakahā ‘e ‘omi ki he kakai kenau fili fakahā loto kiai (referendum) lolotonga koia ‘oku ‘ikai ha lao pehe ‘i he fonua. Ko e fa’ahinga fanofano ‘eni ‘oku fakatu’utamaki lahi ki he fonua pea ‘oku tala mahino mai mei ai ‘a e mama’o mei he ‘Eiki he kuo a’u ‘eni ke fepaki e Pule’anga mo e Siasi ‘a e ongo lou ‘olive tupu’a na’e lau kiai ‘a Molitoni. Ko e fo'i pulu 'eni 'a e Palemia kene tali mo faitu'utu'u ni kiai. 'Oku ou fokotu'u atu ki he Palēmia ke tuku e fanofano kae tu'utu'uni ke ta'ofi 'a e fakamo'oni ki he CEDAW ka 'oku 'ikai kohono fakahoko ha tu'utu'uni hala ke faito'o 'aki ha fehalaaki.

‘Oku taukave’i ‘e he Palēmia ‘oku ‘ikai ha ngāue ‘e hala ka ‘oku fakaoli he ‘oku ne fokotu’u mai ‘a e faito’o hala ki he ngāue ‘oku ne pehe ‘oku ‘ikai hala. Kuo a’utaki mai foki mei he ongoongo ‘a e Kaniva Tonga ‘a e fakahā ‘e he Minisita Lao Sione Vuna Faka'otusia koe taonakita faka politikale (political suicide) ka fakahoko ‘a e fokotu’u ‘a e Palēmia ke fai ha fili fakahā loto (referendum) he ‘oku ‘ikai ha lao pehe ‘i he fonua.

Ko e ngaahi faka’ilonga ‘eni ‘o e movetevete ‘i he kau Taki pea 'oku lau kiai e himi 'a Molitoni Himi: 390 SUTT veesi 3 "Tuku hono ngaahi fili ke Movetevete pe Tuku 'enau tu'utu'uni ke Liliu ke vale pe 'E Sihova, &c."

'Oku 'i ai 'a fekau mahu'inga 'i he kuonga ni 'oku ne tala mahino mai ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e totonu ‘iate kitautolu kakai ‘o e fonua ke fehu’ia pe ko ‘etau fononga nai ki fē?.

Teu toki hoko atu....

Faka'apa'apa Atu & Lotu

Tonga Monu'ia



  • fieilo pe
    fieilo pe Thursday, 28 May 2015 16:12 Comment Link

    Ko 'Akilisi foki he ngaahi ta'u lahi na'a ne me'angaue'aki e kau taki lotu(eg Patelesio Finau, 'Amanaki Havea) ki he'ene ngaahi 'asenita fkpolitikale. Ka kuoha e 'aho ni, 'i he'eku fk'uhinga kuo ne sio lalo ki he kau taki lotu. Koeha nai hono 'uhinga, he kuo lava e me'a ia ne loto kiai.

    Ko e 'uhinga lahi foki 'o 'ene ngaue'aki e kau taki lotu he kuohili he ko e me'a ia pe ia 'e lava ke vaka mai ai 'ene ngaahi 'asenita fkfo'ituitui mo fkpolitikale. Ko e kakai ia ko eni kiai ko honau mahu'inga pe he taimi 'oku ne fiema'u ko 'ene lava pe hono loto ko 'ene foki ia mei kinautolu. Tau fktataa'aki pe e kakai kuo nau ngaue fktaha mai mo ia he kuohili, ko e kakai ko eni ko e kakai ia 'oku 'iai honau ngaahi mahu'inga he'etau nofo i Tonga ni. Ka ko 'ene fkfepaki pe ha taha, ko 'ene 'osi ia. Pea ko 'eku poini ko eni 'e mahino ngofua pe ia kia tautolu. ko e tangata ta'efieauna 'a 'Akilisi, tangata anga ta'efk'apa'apa ki he Tu'i, Hou'eiki mo e kakai 'o e fonua. 'Oku 'ikai koha taha eni ia 'oku fie mole ha'ane me'a. He 'oku ne tala pe ko 'ene ngaue 'oku fai he Fale Alea ko 'ene tokoni ia ki he kakai. he taumaia 'e fai ha feinga pa'anga pe ha ngaahi kalapu te tau sio kia 'Akisli 'e 'asi ai mo ha'ane tokoni. Ko e tangata siokita mo sio pe ki he'ene lelei 'a'ana.

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Thursday, 28 May 2015 13:15 Comment Link

    'Etita, kataki he ngali fu'u lahi e comment ko eni ka koe to'o hangatonu mai pe mei he peesi 'ae Center for Family & Human Rights (New York), 'aia ko e ngaahi 'uhinga ia 'oku 'ikai tali ai 'ehe pule'anga 'Amelika ke nau ratify e CEDAW. Koe faka'uhinga ia 'ae fu'u fonua poto, ma'u pa'anga moe toe mataotao koia ko 'Amelika. Faka'amu ke ako e pule'anga Tonga, kakai Tonga moe kau poupou kuikui ko eni e CEDAW mei he lau 'ae pule'anga 'Amelika.

    CEDAW Reality Check
    By Super User | April 17, 2013
    What is CEDAW?
    The United Nations adopted the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in 1979. Nearly every country, including those with the worst records on human rights, has ratified it. The United States, which legally protects women from discrimination, has not ratified it.
    U.S. ratification would prompt other countries to live up to their commitments, proponents argue, despite the fact the worst violators do not respect America. Opponents of CEDAW assert it would be used to deny women in America basic freedoms and rights.
    Some nations sign UN treaties without intending to follow them. The U.S. takes its treaty obligations seriously. It already fulfills the proper intents of CEDAW without ratifying it.
    Doesn’t CEDAW just declare equal rights for women?
    CEDAW is a binding treaty that forbids recognizing any distinctions between men and women. It requires conformity to this norm at all levels of a nation’s laws, from its political system, to culture, family life, schooling and even individual choices. This contradicts the U.S. Constitution’s limits on government and our federalist system.
    CEDAW sets up a treaty monitoring body of 23 experts. This committee has told over 90 countries to liberalize their abortion laws. It told countries to decriminalize prostitution, redistribute wealth, impose quotas limiting women’s choices of fields of study. It has criticized religion’s influence on society and even the celebration of Mother’s Day.
    Under CEDAW, countries must ensure school textbooks do not contain “gender stereotypes.” The committee has criticized countries where a high number of mothers care for their children instead of sending them to day care. It urges imposing quotas to ensure “gender balancing” in government, fields of study and the private sector. The make up of national and local governments and businesses must be half male and half female. Arguably, having two female senators from California would be a violation.
    Does CEDAW mention abortion?
    CEDAW is silent on abortion. Yet the CEDAW committee says abortion is in “the spirit of the treaty,”[1] re-interpreting the treaty’s text to invent a right to abortion. One interpretation of article 12 on health states, “When possible, legislation criminalizing abortion should be amended”.[2] Promoting judicial activism, countries “must also put in place a system that ensures effective judicial action. Failure to do so will constitute a violation of article 12.”
    Will ratifying CEDAW change U.S. laws?
    While treaties ratified by the Senate are not self-executing, they are binding on the U.S. If ratified, litigators will use CEDAW in lawsuits to change U.S. laws. The American Bar Association has created a tool kit to train activists, judges and legislators in using CEDAW. U.S. Supreme Court Justices have referenced UN treaties in their opinions.
    The high courts of Argentina and Colombia have struck down abortion bans following recommendations by the CEDAW committee.
    Won’t US ratification help women around the world?
    Despite the considerable influence of the United States, U.S. ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other UN treaties has not stopped human rights violations across the globe. Ratifying another human rights treaty, especially one so flawed, will not help the women in the world who are most in need.
    The U.S. helps women in developing nations by promoting good governance, access to clean water, basic health care, education and other needs. Most women value motherhood and family as the most fulfilling aspect of their lives. These are also crucial for stable societies. CEDAW and its committee, however, denigrate these roles.
    Isn’t CEDAW a way to show solidarity with women of the world?
    CEDAW is more than a political statement or symbol. It is a binding treaty that challenges the U.S. Constitution and Americans’ ability to determine our laws and culture. Americans’ actions to elevate women around the globe are far more powerful than the CEDAW treaty could ever be.
    Will adopting Reservations to CEDAW protect the U.S.?
    Reservations, Understandings and Declarations (RUDs) can in theory clarify or exempt the U.S. from certain provisions or interpretations. But legal experts disagree about the power of RUDs to insulate the U.S. from a treaty it has committed to honor.
    The legitimacy and scope of reservations to human rights treaties is a highly contested area of international law. Legal experts warn the RUDs considered for CEDAW are weak, ineffectual and likely to be ignored, especially by the CEDAW committee.
    CEDAW itself states, “A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of the present Convention shall not be permitted.” The CEDAW Committee encourages countries to pressure other countries to withdraw their RUDs.
    Bottom Line:
    The U.S. should not ratify CEDAW. Nations should confront the CEDAW committee when it abuses its position to exploit women’s hopes in order to push a radical agenda.
    [1] Shanthi Darian, CEDAW committee expert, statement at the Commission on the Status of Women, 5 March 2007
    [2] General Assembly, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), resolution 34/180 (December 18, 1979), General Recommendation 24.
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    © 2014 C-Fam (Center for Family & Human Rights).
    Permission granted for unlimited use. Credit required.

  • tea tava
    tea tava Thursday, 28 May 2015 12:39 Comment Link

    ko e tokotaha eni na'a ne ako'i e kakai ke nau fai 'a e ngaahi lea ta'eufi mo lea ta'etaau 'o tatau pe ki ha fa'ahinga taha 'o a'u eni ki he kau taki lotu..Ko e kaveinga ko eni na'e fakaha 'e Feleti Sevele na'a nau fakasitu'a'i 'i honau taimi . Mo'oni e lea e to 'e he poto ha'u e ...... 'o ta mo ta'aki.. 'oku 'ikai ke u katolika ka 'oku ou fka'apa'apa'i lahi e katinali he kuo pani ia 'e he 'Otua.. ko e tama 'oku ne ma'u e ngaahi visone fakalaumalie pea kuo ne lau e konivesio foki 'o mahino ange ia ki ai 'i he Palemia mo ene kapineti. Ko e reservation ko ena ki he Article 2 mo e 16 'oku nau tu'uaki mai kuo 'osi fkaha pe 'e he konivesio ko e uho ia 'o e konivesio 'a e 'Atikolo ua mo e 16 'a ia kuopau ke toe vakai'i e ngaahi reservation ki ai pea kuo pau ke fakalelei'i pe li ki tu'a e reservation. 'A ia ko hono 'ai mahino ko e fiema'u ke tali 'a e 'Atikolo 2 mo e 16. 'A ia ko e 'atikolo eni 'oku ne 'omi e tau'ataiana 'a e fefine ke fili hano mali mo ha fa'ahinga me'a pe 'oku loto ia ki ai pe ko ha fefine pe 'e taha pe ko ha ki'i monumanu ia hufanga he fakatapu ka e pehe foki ki he 'ene tau'ataina ke fakatotama moeha fua e ngaahi me'a 'oku loto ia ki ai..


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