Team from MEIDECC work to improve internet connectivity in Vava'u Featured

13 May, 2022. A team from the MEIDECC’s Communications Department, under the Emergency Telecommunication Cluster travelled to Vava’u on April 29 – May 6 to expand and improve the island’s communication connectivity via Starlink internet terminals donated by Elon Musk.
The team included the Director of Communications Mr ‘Alifeleti Tu’ihalamaka, Senior Engineer Mr Stan ‘Ahio, Technician Mr Taniela Taufa and Traffic Officer Poumaama Liu.
The terminals were installed at selected sites around Neiafu to facilitate internet access for essential services, Government Departments, public enterprises, private business, schools, churches as well as the public.
Principal of Vava’u High School Mrs. ‘Utulangamataki Paongo said, “We are fortunate to be one of the selected sites. Students from The University of the South Pacific are here almost every day to make use of the Wi-Fi. The Seventh Day Adventist School Misipa and Pouono TTI Academy School at Mailefihi also access the internet through Vava’u High School’s VSAT internet terminal.
Town officer of Neiafu Mr Vava Lapota thanked the government for expanding the communication connectivity around Neiafu. He said this will enable citizens to communicate with their families abroad.