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Te'eki ha vakai mei he Pule'anga ki he palopalema faito'o konatapu Featured

Te'eki ha vakai mei he Pule'anga ki he palopalema faito'o konatapu

14 Tisema, 2018. 'Oku kei longo 'a e Pule'anga te'eki ke 'i ai ha'a nau vakai ki he ngaahi ongoongo kuo fakahoko 'e he ongoongo 'a e Televisone 'Uluaki 'a Nu'usila pea toe fakahingoa mo e fonua ko e Pule'anga 'o e 'Aisi (Kingdom fo Ice).

Na'e lele'i hokohoko foki 'i he uike ni 'i he Televisone 'Uluaki 'a Nu'usila (One News) 'a e fakamatala na'e hiki 'i ha talanoa (documentary) 'a fu'u matu'aki fakatu'utamaki hono ngaue'aki, mo hono fetuku holo 'a e faito'o konatapu koe 'aisi (methamphetamine)  'i he fonua.

Na'e toe tufaki foki 'eni 'e he ngaahi mitia faka-sosiale pea kuo a'u ki he kakai 'oku miliona 'i mamani kuo nau mamata ki he ongoongo fakamamahi ko'eni 'a ia 'oku toe 'omai pe foki 'a e ngaahi fakamo'oni ia kiai mei he Potungaue Polisi, Potungaue Mo'ui, tafa'aki 'a e kau Takilotu pehe kiate kinautolu tonu 'oku nau tufaki 'a e faito'o ni mo e kakai kehekehe pe 'o e fonua.

Na'e toe tuku mai pe foki 'i he talanoa ni mo e vakai 'a kinautolu 'oku nau ma'u 'a e faito'o ni mo kinautolu na'a nau ngaue'aki ki mu'a pea 'oku fu'u fakaloloma ke hoko 'eni 'i ha ki'i fonua si'isi'i fau hange ko Tonga ni.

Ko e koto fakamamahi mo'oni 'eni he 'oku toe kau moe longa'i fanau hono taketi'i ke nau tufaki pea kenau ma'u hono ifo 'o makatu'unga mei ai ha'anau hoko koha kau kasitoma 'i he kaha'u 'o a'u ki he mole 'enau mo'ui.

'Oku fakaleleloto foki 'a hono fakamahino mai 'i he ongoongo ni 'oku kau 'a e kau taki ma'olunga 'i he Pule'anga, kau ngaue faka-politikale, kau faifekau, kau polisi kau 'ofisa kasitomu mo e kakai falala'anga tokolahi 'i hono fakahoko 'a e ngaue pango mo matu'aki ta'e'ofa ko'eni 'i he fonua.

'Oku 'ikai ngata heni foki ka 'oku 'ikai pe maholoholo 'a hono puke 'e he kau polisi faka'aho 'a e kakai 'oku nau tufaki mo faka'aonga'i 'a e faito'o ni pea 'e faingata'a leva ke tau hanga 'o fakahalaki 'a e ongoongo ko'eni 'a e Televisone Nu'usila he 'oku malohi 'a e fakamo'oni kiai.

Na'e tataki foki 'e he faiongoongo 'a e Televisone Nu'usila ki he Pasifiki Babara Dreaver 'a e ongoongo ko'eni pea 'oku 'i ai moe tokolahi foki 'o e kakai Tonga 'oku nau fehu'ia mo fakafepaki'i 'a e ongoongo ko'eni pea tala 'oku loi pea 'oku loto mamahi ai foki mo e ni'ihi 'o e kakai hono ui 'o Tonga ni koe Pule'anga 'o e 'Aisi.

'Oku fakanatula pe foki ke tau mamahi pea ongo'i 'a hono tukuhifo 'o e  fonua makatu'unga 'i he ongo'i mamahi'i fonua (patriotism) pea 'oku 'ikai ketau kataki'i ke fakaongoongo kovi'i 'a e fonua ka 'oku mahu'inga 'i he taimi tatau ketau sio pe 'oku mo'oni 'a e ongoongo ko'eni pe 'ikai.

'Oku 'i ai 'a e tui 'oku mahu'inga ke 'asi mai 'a e kau taki ki mu'a 'o fakamahino mai a e tu'unga 'oku 'i ai 'a e fonua fekau'aki mo e fu'u peau kafakafa ko'eni he 'oku fu'u fakatu'utamaki fau pea fatu leva mei ai ha founga ke tu'u fakataha 'a e fonua ke tau'i 'a e palopalema lahi taha kuo ne uesia 'a e fonua.

Ko e fatongia totonu 'eni 'o e Pule'anga pea neongo 'oku nau taua'ataina ke 'omai ha'anau vakai ki he ongoongo ko'eni ka 'i he laumalie 'o e pule lelei mo e 'ata kitu'a pehe ki he tali ui ki he kakai, 'oku fiema'u ke tuku mai 'a e vakai 'a e Pule'anga he 'oku hoha'a 'a e kakai pea koe talanoa 'eni 'o e 'aho.

Ko e kaveinga 'eni 'oku vivili pea ko'enau 'asi mai 'e tokoni lahi pea toki poupou leva kiai 'a e ngaahi kupu fekau'aki 'o e fonua.

'Oku 'ikai ke fiema'u ke lolongo 'a e fonua he 'oku fiema'u ke 'ilo 'e he kakai 'o e fonua 'oku 'i he saluni pe 'a e kapiteni mo e kau 'ofisa.





  • Emasi Utulangivaka
    Emasi Utulangivaka Sunday, 23 December 2018 03:25 Comment Link

    Koe issue mooni oku hoko iai ihe ngaahi fonua kotoa pea ka fktatau ae faitoo drugs a NZ pe ko Australia ki Tonga oku fuu lefu fau e kii palopalema ia O Tonga taumai a kuo ai kihe toko tahamano ae kakai oku nau use moe kau runner kaikehe ka oku tae ufi ae lea ae faiongoongo koe uhi ke popular ka oku fehuia e au ae lau ae kau fai ongoiongo tonga koha hoo mou lau temou longo pe ikai ke fai haa mou fktotolo mo taaki mai ae mooni pe oku mou hange pe ha kau leka o tuhu pe kihe government teu kii fktata pe kihe kau deport mei NZ Australia USA oku ikai koha fooui eni oe puleanga alu atu e kakai ko eni oku maolunga ange enau ilo fkmaumaulao ihe tuunga Lao fkfakamaau anga ae fonua pea oku hange oku nau faifaiteliha pe he fonua nae teeki ke mateuteu ae puleanga kihe palopalema ko eni oku nau kei moutafua pe Mahalo naa oku lelei ke retrain ha kakai I muli kenau mau ae taukei fktaha moha mea ngaue fkeonopooni fefe ke sivi drugs u api ngaue faianga lotu moe ngaahi fktaha anga

  • Siaosi Holani
    Siaosi Holani Monday, 17 December 2018 15:48 Comment Link

    If the government do not have anything to say about the ice problem they probably in the middle of it or debating another way around it none of them want to let go their hands off the pork barrel it’s contagious and addictive etc obviously leaders are involved and become harder to stopped that’s when we realize we deeply into the point of no return and will become life and death decision a clean house would be a massive step to put the country’s back .

  • bertie
    bertie Monday, 17 December 2018 09:34 Comment Link

    To deny that drug is a problem in Tonga would be tantamount to the truth , but to splash the headline " Tonga Kingdom of Ice " is an insult to the King himself because the head of a kingdom is a KING . Could she not have worded it another way ?This reporter seems to think she can go around the Pacific countries interviewing who she wants and always get in to trouble with authorities , its as if she is doing it on purpose , so that if she's is accosted by authority she'll cry foul and the media world will be up in arms demanding freedom of the press . this reporter was in trouble in Nauru for the way she does her reporting . Would it improve the drug problems , because of her headline ? Tonga is a small land every word spoken at one end of the island can be heard at the other end so everything is magnified always out of proportion where as in big countries things tend to disappear because of a larger landmass and more people so ice consumption is far greater in those countries than in Tonga . The only sure way for a country to be rid of drug dealers and drug users is to either HANG them or SHOOT them there is no other way . Well may you say rehab , yes but how many drug addict will chuck the habit after ? and how many will go back to become druggie again ? countries that has done so are practically drug free , so think about it . The Government need to clean up its act so as to work in tandem with the people to curb the spread and use of drugs any drugs .

  • Moneata
    Moneata Saturday, 15 December 2018 14:41 Comment Link

    Kapau oku ikai ke iai haanau lau kihe faitoo konatapu pea oku iai leva honau kaunga kiai.


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