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To deny that drug is a problem in Tonga would be tantamount to the truth , but to splash the headline " Tonga Kingdom of Ice " is an insult to the King himself because the head of a kingdom is a KING . Could she not have worded it another way ?This reporter seems to think she can go around the Pacific countries interviewing who she wants and always get in to trouble with authorities , its as if she is doing it on purpose , so that if she's is accosted by authority she'll cry foul and the media world will be up in arms demanding freedom of the press . this reporter was in trouble in Nauru for the way she does her reporting . Would it improve the drug problems , because of her headline ? Tonga is a small land every word spoken at one end of the island can be heard at the other end so everything is magnified always out of proportion where as in big countries things tend to disappear because of a larger landmass and more people so ice consumption is far greater in those countries than in Tonga . The only sure way for a country to be rid of drug dealers and drug users is to either HANG them or SHOOT them there is no other way . Well may you say rehab , yes but how many drug addict will chuck the habit after ? and how many will go back to become druggie again ? countries that has done so are practically drug free , so think about it . The Government need to clean up its act so as to work in tandem with the people to curb the spread and use of drugs any drugs .