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Fakatu’utamaki lahi Lao Ki Hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muli 2018: Clive Edwards Featured

William Clive Edwards William Clive Edwards

11 'Okatopa, 2018. ‘I he ‘aho 12 ‘o Ma’asi 2018 na’e paasi fakavavevave’i ai ‘e he Fale Alea ‘o Tonga ‘a e Lao Ki Hono Pule’i ‘o e Fetongi Pa’anga Muli 2018.

Na’e fakahu mai foki ‘a e lao ko’eni ‘i he fakataha ‘a e Fale Alea taimi nounou na’e ui ‘i he mahina ko Ma’asi ‘o e ta’u ni pea 'oku 'i ai 'a e hoha'a lahi heni mo e fiema'u ke fakama'ala'ala ke 'ilo kiai 'a e kakai 'o e fonua.

Na’e ma’u faingamalie ‘a e ongoongo ni ke fakahoko ha faka’eke’eke makehe mo William Clive Edwards koe loea 'iloa pea taukei ‘i he mala’e ‘o e lao mo Minisita Lao Malolo fekau’aki mo e uesia ‘e hoko ki he fonua ‘i hono paasi ‘a e lao ko’eni.

‘I he fakamatala ‘a Edwards na’a ne fakamahino ai na’e puli ki he tokolahi ‘a e maumau ‘a e lao ko’eni ki he totonu ‘a e kakai Tonga ‘oku nofo ‘i Tonga ni mo muli pea kau atu kiai mo e kau muli ‘oku omai ‘o ngaue fakataimi ‘i Tonga ni ma’a e Pule’anga pehe ki he kau ngaue muli 'i he ngaahi kauataha tokoni mo taautaha pehe ki he ngaahi kautaha faka-vaha’apule’anga mo fakavahefonua ‘a ia ‘oku nau tokoni ki he fonua ni he tapa kehekehe ‘o e mo’ui.

‘I he lau ‘a Edwards, ‘okapau ‘e fakahoko ha vakai fakalelei ki he lao ko’eni ‘oku mahino lelei mei he ngaahi kupu ‘o e lao ko’eni ‘o kamata mei he Kupu 5, Kupu 6(3) mo e Kupu 6(4) ‘a e fakatu’utamaki ‘e hoko ki he kakai ‘o e fonua ‘o uesia ai ‘enau ngaahi totonu mo e tau’ataina kuo foaki ‘e he Konisitutone 'o Tonga.

"‘Oku mahu’inga ke mahino ‘a e tau’ataina mo e totonu ‘a e Tonga pea moha sola ‘oku ‘aunofo mai ki he fonua ni ‘a ia ‘oku malu’i ‘e he Kupu 1 ‘o e Konisituone" ko Edwards mai ia.

Ko e tau’ataina ia ki he fua honau ivi mo hotau nima mo e founga ‘e ngaue’aki ‘a ia ‘oku uesia lahi ‘ehe lao ko’eni ‘a e totonu faka-konisitutone ‘a e kakai pea 'oku ‘ikai totonu ke filifili manako pe ‘ata faka-popula hange koia kuo 'omai 'e he lao kovi ko'eni.

Ko e fakalea ‘o e lao ko’eni ‘i hono fakalea faka-Pilitania ‘i he fakamatala ‘a Edwards ‘oku ‘asi ai ‘a e lea ko e “otherwise provided in this act” pea ko hono faka-Tonga “tukukehe ‘oka tu’utu’uni kehe ‘i he lao ni.”

‘Oku hanga ‘ehe ngaahi fakalea ko’eni ‘o fakahee’i ‘a ‘etau muimui’i ‘a e ‘uhinga totonu ‘o e ngaahi kupu ‘oku uesia ai ‘etau ngaahi totonu pea 'oku fehu'ia lahi 'a e taumu'a hono fa'u 'o e lao ko'eni.

Na’e fakama’ala’ala ‘e Edwards ‘a e Kupu 5 pea na’a fakamahino tene toki fakaikiiki ‘a e ngaahi kupu kehe ‘a mui ange.

Ko e Kupu 5 ‘o e lao ko ‘eni ‘oku pehe hono fakalea:

Tauhi, to’o, ‘ave pe tuku atu ‘o e fetongi pa’anga muli mo e koula 

Tukukehe ‘o ka tu’utu’uni kehe ‘i he Lao ni, kuo pau ‘e ‘ikai ha taha nofo ‘i Tonga te ne ma’u mai, tauhi, to’o, ‘o’ona, ma’u pe tuku atu ha koula, fetongi pa’anga muli, malu’i mei muli pe ha koloa ‘ikai lava fe’ave’aki ‘oku tu’u ‘i tu’apule’anga.

Ko e me’a ‘oku totonu ke fakatokanga’i heni ‘oku ‘uhinga ‘eni kiha kelekele pe koha koloa ‘oku tu’u ‘i ha fonua ‘i tu’apule’anga. Ko e faka’uhinga ‘o e koloa ‘i he lau ‘a Edwards ‘oku ‘uhinga ‘e ‘ikai lava ke fe’ave’aki “koloa ‘ikai fe’ave’aki” ‘a ia ‘oku tuhu ki he kelekele, ngaahi monu’ia ‘oku ma’u mei he kelekele, mo e ngaahi me’a ‘oku pipiki ki he kelekele, pe fakama’u tu’uma’u ki ha me’a ‘oku pipiki ki he kelekele ‘a ia ‘oku tu’u ‘i ha fonua muli.

‘Oku ne tapui ‘okapau ‘oku ke nofo ‘i Tonga ni keke ma’u hao ‘api ‘i muli pea kapau ‘oku ‘i ai hao ‘api ‘i muli ‘e ‘ikai ke ngofua keke fakatau atu ta’e tomu’a ma’u ha ngofua mei he Pangike Pule ‘o Tonga ni pea kuopau ke fakafoki mai katoa ‘a e pa’anga koia ki Tonga ni.

Ko e fakatataa kiai ‘i he fakamatala ‘a Edwards koe kau Tonga ‘oku nofo ‘i muli pea ‘i ai honau ngaahi ‘api ai kapau tenau foki mai ‘o nofo ‘i Tonga ni ‘o laka he mahina ‘e 12 ‘e pule ‘a e lao ia ko’eni ki he’enau koloa ‘oku tu’u ‘i muli.

‘Okapau ‘e pekia ‘a e tokotaha koia ka ‘oku ‘i ai hano mali mo ha’ane fanau ‘oku nofo ‘i Tonga ni ‘oku ‘ikai ke ngofua kenau ma’u ‘a e koloa koia pea kuopau ke fakatau atu ‘a e koloa koia ‘o fakafoki mai ki Tonga ni ‘a e pa’anga.

‘Oku ‘ikai ngata pe ‘i he kelekele mo e fale ka ‘oku toe kau atu kiai moha sea (share) ‘aha taha ‘i ha kautaha muli ‘oku lolotonga lele ‘i muli mo e ngaahi monu'ia kehe foki.

Na’a ne toe hoko atu ‘o pehe ‘oku ta’ofi ‘ehe lao ko’eni mo e kakai ‘o e fonua kenau fakatau hanau ‘api ‘i muli hange koia 'oku lave'i atu 'i 'olunga.

‘Oku ‘ikai ngata ai ‘i hono fakalea ‘o e kupu ko’eni ‘oku ‘ikai ke ngofua ke ‘i ai ha ‘akauni pangike ‘aha taha Tonga ‘oku nofo ‘i Tonga ‘i ha pangike ‘i muli.

Fakatatau ki he fakamatala ‘a Edwards ko e ngaahi fakatu’utamaki ia ‘oku malava kene to’o atu mei he Kupu 5 ‘o e lao ko’eni pea 'oku fu'u fakalilifu mo ta'efe'unga.

‘I he lau ‘a Edwards, koe taha ‘o e palopalema koe ‘ikai ngata pe he maumau ‘a e Kupu 1 ‘o e Konisitutone ka ‘oku ne toe maumau’i ‘a e tu’utu’uni mamafa ‘i he Kupu 20 ‘o e Konisitutone fekau’aki mo hono fa’u ha lao kene uesia, maumau’i pe to’o ha totonu ‘aha taha na’e lolotonga ma’u ‘i he taimi na’e fa’u ai ‘a e lao ko’eni.

‘Oku hanga ‘e he lao fo’ou ko’eni ‘o fakaehaua ‘a e ngaahi kupu tapu ‘oku ha he konisitutone fekau’aki mo e totonu mo e tau’ataina ‘a e Tonga 'a ia na'e fakatoka mei he kuohili.

‘I he ngaahi Kupu ‘i mui ‘oku tau a’u kitautolu ki he tu’unga ‘oku pehe - kapau ‘oku ‘i ai ha Nopele ‘oku nofo ‘i muli pea pekia ‘a e Nopele koia, ‘e ‘ikai malava ke ‘eke ‘e he fanau koia ‘a e Nopele ha’anau totonu fakalao ki he tukufakaholo pe koe hingoa mo e ngaahi tukufakaholo kehe kapau ‘oku nofo ‘i muli.

‘Okapau ‘oku ‘i ai ha taha ‘oku ma’u ‘apikolo mo ‘api tukuhau ‘i Tonga ni ka ‘oku nofo muli mo e ‘ea pea pekia ‘a e tangata’eki ko ‘ene tu’u ‘a e lao ko’eni ‘oku ‘ikai ha totonu ‘a e ‘ea kene lesisita ‘a e ‘apikolo mo e ‘api tukuhau ‘oku tu’u ‘i Tonga ni.

“Teu toki vetevete ange ‘a e lao ko’eni ‘a mui ange ka koe me’a ‘oku mahu’inga keu fakaha heni koe fa’u ‘o e lao ko’eni na’e totonu ke fakahoko ‘o fakatatau mo e founga ngaue ‘a ia ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e tu’utu’uni ngaue kiai ‘a e Fale Alea ke tuku mai ki he kakai kenau alea’i mo ‘oatu honau le’o (public consultation) pea toki fakafoki ki he Fale Alea ka na’e ‘ikai fakahoko ‘eni,” koe fakamahino mai ia ‘e Edwards.

“‘Oku mahu’inga ke fakatokanga’i na’e tu’u pe ‘a e Kovana ‘o e Pangike Pule Dr. Ngongo Kioa mo’enau kau akoako ngaue ‘i he Pangike Pule ‘o kopi mai ‘a e Lao kuo ‘osi fakapekia ‘i Fisi ke fakapopula’i ‘aki hotau kakai.

Na’e totonu ke fai ha fekumi ‘a e Kovana ‘o e Pangike Pule pe koe ha e ‘uhinga na’e fakapekia ai ‘e Fisi ‘a e fa’ahinga lao ko’eni kae tu’u atu ‘a e Kovana ia ‘o pusiaki’i mai ki Tonga ni ke popula ai ‘a e fonua'” ko e fakamatala tonu ia ‘a Edwards.

Na’e hoko atu ‘a Edwards ‘o fakamahino ‘oku totonu ke fokotu’u atu ke fakafisi ‘a e Kovana ‘o e Pangike Pule ‘a ia na’a ne kaunga ki hono fatu ‘a e lao ko’eni fakataha mo e Minista Pa’anga he koia na’a ne fakahu ‘a e Lao fakatu’utamaki ko’eni ki he Fale Alea ‘a ia ‘oku ne fakaehaua’i e kakai ‘o e fonua, kakai ‘aunofo mai ki Tonga mo hotau kakai Tonga ‘i muli ‘a ia ‘oku nau ngaue malohi ke tokoni mai ki he fonua.

Na’e tuku mai foki ha fakamatala ‘a e Kovana ‘o e Pangike Pule ‘i he taha ‘o e ngaahi mitia ki mu’a atu ‘o pehe ‘oku ‘ikai ke ngaue’aki ‘a e konga lahi ia ‘o e lao ko’eni ka 'i he fakamatala ‘a Edwards, koe lao koe lao pea kuo tohi mo paasi ‘a ia ‘oku ‘ikai koha fakatonuhia ‘eni ia ki he ngaue pango kuo ‘osi fakahoko.

Na'e fakamahino mai foki 'e Edwards koe lao ko'eni na'e taumu'a ki hono taketi'i 'a e fe'ave'aki pa'anga 'uli (money laundering) ka ko e kaveinga ko'eni na'e totonu ke siofi fakalelei pea 'ave ki he kakai 'o e fonua he 'oku hoko 'a e taumu'a tuli tevolo ko'eni ke iku popula ai 'a e fonua mo e kakai pea 'oku lahi hono fehu'ia 'e he kau loea mataotao mei muli 'a e tu'unga mo e 'uhinga na'e fakapaasi ai 'a e lao ko'eni 'i ha kuonga maama.

“‘Oku uesia lahi ‘i he lao ko’eni mo e kau pisinisi pea ‘oku matu’aki fiema’u ke fokotu’u ki he Fale Alea ke fakapekia ‘a e lao ko’eni he vave taha”, ko e fakamamafa mai ia ‘a Edwards.

‘E toki hoko atu ‘a Edwards ki hono fakama’ala’ala ‘a e ngaahi kupu kehe ‘o e lao ni ‘a ia ‘oku ne tui ‘oku ne fakaehaua ‘a e ngaahi totonu ‘a e Tonga pehe ki he kakai ‘oku ‘aunofo mai ki he fonua ni mo hotau kainga Tonga ‘oku nau fakapaea ‘i muli ‘a mui ange.


  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Sunday, 14 October 2018 15:42 Comment Link

    This is what happens when law-breakers become law-makers. The two just don't mix!! We have expended a good part of our sanity, intelligence, experience, expertise etc., but it's like the good old saying, throwing pearls to the pigs, they push them away and keep on eating the worms and kitchen refuse.

  • bertie
    bertie Friday, 12 October 2018 12:31 Comment Link

    Thank heavens there are people still around who knows what they are doing . One cannot condemn the Government for its inability to think properly , for the simple reason it's run by a SIMPLETON and to make matters worse he is surrounded by a horde of SPINELESS politician all with one thing on their minds to gather up as much of the crumbs that falls from the the leaders supper without upsetting the table . Maybe the law maker had a valid reason for this law so as to stop people using assets to launder money gained illegally ??How could we not see this as another sign of this Government cunningly ,slowly stripping away everything that has to do with the past , the laws , the constitution , customs , cultural heritage , but most importantly the Monarchy . This has always been the aim of this Premier and his Government , funny how his henchmen are always denying this , when their leader has openly stated that because people still cling to the past , it's difficult for him to move Tonga into the future and because of that , the King still reign supreme with the backing of the churches and the Premier HATES that . To deny people the right to their possession is tantamount to a dictatorship pure and simple . The fact that a Minister said that even though this is a law , only some section in it will be enforced , but as somebody said law is law , you apply all not just a bit here and there . It goes to show the quality of the people in this Government , the don't know which end of the stick to hold ??????


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