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Thank heavens there are people still around who knows what they are doing . One cannot condemn the Government for its inability to think properly , for the simple reason it's run by a SIMPLETON and to make matters worse he is surrounded by a horde of SPINELESS politician all with one thing on their minds to gather up as much of the crumbs that falls from the the leaders supper without upsetting the table . Maybe the law maker had a valid reason for this law so as to stop people using assets to launder money gained illegally ??How could we not see this as another sign of this Government cunningly ,slowly stripping away everything that has to do with the past , the laws , the constitution , customs , cultural heritage , but most importantly the Monarchy . This has always been the aim of this Premier and his Government , funny how his henchmen are always denying this , when their leader has openly stated that because people still cling to the past , it's difficult for him to move Tonga into the future and because of that , the King still reign supreme with the backing of the churches and the Premier HATES that . To deny people the right to their possession is tantamount to a dictatorship pure and simple . The fact that a Minister said that even though this is a law , only some section in it will be enforced , but as somebody said law is law , you apply all not just a bit here and there . It goes to show the quality of the people in this Government , the don't know which end of the stick to hold ??????