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American Media’s Fraud Aiding U.S. Top Leaders’ Corruption Featured

Former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein is first coup ringleader called to testify. He is accused of wanting to wear a recording device to entrap President Trump in a lie to frame the president. He also denies knowing the details in two false FISA applications to spy on Trump to which he affixed his signatures twice. Another coup ringleader member, Andrew McCabe and FBI director assistant called Rosenstein's testimony a lie. (Photo by Getty Images) Former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein is first coup ringleader called to testify. He is accused of wanting to wear a recording device to entrap President Trump in a lie to frame the president. He also denies knowing the details in two false FISA applications to spy on Trump to which he affixed his signatures twice. Another coup ringleader member, Andrew McCabe and FBI director assistant called Rosenstein's testimony a lie. (Photo by Getty Images)

American Media’s Fraud Aiding U.S. Top Leaders’ Corruption

Author: Sione Ake Mokofisi – Part XII

Media Analysis – Let me break from my Tongan translation writing in this issue to recap my previous recent articles in English. I will return to my Tongan translation soon after addressing the major recent news developments.

The exposition of the attempted coup d‘état to unseat American President Donald Trump has now entered Phase II – and the rats are at each other’s throat.

To be an analyst in this long drawn out corruption case, is to be patiently collecting empirical data and followed trends hidden under the surface of deceitful acts.

Even when the forces of evildoers seem to rule the roost, trusting in the voice of critical thinking must be relentless, and eventually, slowly but surely, the Biblical mantra can prove: “And the truth shall set you free.”

Even when 90% of the American mainstream media overwhelmingly corrupted in unison, the slow-moving wheel of justice has finally exposed their corruption.

Recapping my previous Tongan translations, new revelations from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) had enlightened public knowledge of damaging criminal acts of the highest order in U.S. Government history.

Attorney General William Barr authorized declassifying secret minutes of coup ringleaders’ meetings exposing their deceitful plans to overturn a legitimate U.S. presidential election.

The American media’s political bias is now proven to side with the Democrat Party’s members of Congress in advancing lies that should’ve been vetted by independent honest journalists.

Media “Guilty” Exposé

The American media are now discredited as purveyors of “fake news.” The recent DOJ revelations shattered the media’s halo effect as the “watchdog” of government.

Now the media have become government’s “lapdog.” What a vivid display of journalistic corruption of the highest order unbelievably masterminded by dishonest cops.

The defrauding of the American people and prostituting the journalism profession reached high-pitched fever in the boardrooms of the largest media corporations: The New York Times; The Washington Post; CNN TV News; CNBC TV; CBS News, etc.

Other news outlets regurgitated the lies without doing their own investigation. The exposition of their collusion with politicians to spread their lies are evidenced in tapes of daily broadcasts for over three years against President Trump.

Since the 2016 defeat of Democrat Party Hilary Clinton, the American media’s distaste for President Donald Trump reached fever pitch. Unlike previous elections where losers accepted defeat in a fair election, the media fanned hatred for President Trump, and failed in their obligations to investigate the truth. They joined the Democrats as deceitful “sore losers.”

The Coup Ringleaders

They are: You will be familiar with names such as FBI former director, James Comey; CIA former director John Brennan; former deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein; former national intelligence director James Clapper are the key coup ringleaders.

Even former President Obama and VP Joe Biden attended ringleaders’ meetings. They are now looking for lawyers to keep them out of prison.

Rosenstein was first called to testify in the Senate hearing last Wednesday, June 3, 2020.

His testimony was called “lies” by another coup player Andrew McCabe, a former FBI assistant to Comey. Rosenstein resigned as deputy attorney general after President Trump triumphed over three attempts by the Democrats and coup ringleaders to impeach the president.

The whole story about Trump with Russian spies was a lie made-up by FBI leaders and members of Former President Barrack Obama's Cabinet.

Rosenstein is accused of planning to wear secret recording devices to trap Donald Trump in a lie.

He also denies knowing about the lies in a court application (FISA) to authorize spying on Trump to which he affixed his signature twice.

Furthermore, since the FISA application contained lies made up about President Trump, Rosenstein still appointed a Mueller Investigation against Trump.

And where are the American media during this congressional judicial hearing?

They are not reporting on it proving their dishonesty not to publish government proceedings to inform the public about their own lies.

(Part XIII of Mokofisi’s Media Analysis column will continue shortly. He is a senior journalist writing in Tongan and in English. He served as lecturer and instructor of English and Business IT at Tonga International Academy. He holds a BSci. from BYU-Hawaii; and an MBA from the University of Phoenix-Arizona.)

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