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'Oua 'e toi mai he fili 'a e kakai he na'e 'ikai ke fili kimoutolu ke mou faihala: Clive Edwards Featured

'Oua 'e toi mai he fili 'a e kakai he na'e 'ikai ke fili kimoutolu ke mou faihala: Clive Edwards

2 Tisema, 2018. Kuo toe tuku mai foki 'e William Clive Edwards 'a 'ene tali 'i ha faka'ek'eke mo e ongoongo ni pea na'a ne fakalea pe ko 'ene tali ki hono 'ohofi ta'emotu ia 'e he Palemia mo 'ene fanau pea paaki mai he Nusipepa Kele'a Voliume 34, Fika 49 'o e 'aho 3 Novema 2018 'o fakalea "Ta'etoka'i 'e Clive Edwards e Fili 'a e Kakai".

Na'e loto foki a Edwards ke fakahoko 'ene tali ko'eni he kuo mahino mo'oni pe kiate ia 'oku fu'u manavahe 'aupito pe 'a e Palemia pehe ki he'ene fanau 'i he kakano 'o 'ene ngaahi fakakaukau 'a ia 'oku ne tuku tau'ataina ki he papulika mo e mitia pea neongo na'a ne 'osi fakamahino 'a 'ene tau'ataina ke tukuatu 'ene fakakaukau ka 'oku kei mimio pe 'e he Nusipepa ni.

'I he lau 'a Edwards koe anga ia 'ene fakakaukau ka 'oku 'ikai pau ia 'e hoko ka kuo 'ohofi tokua 'eni ia kuopau ke fakahoko 'a e me'a ia 'oku fakaukau kiai pea hange tokua ko ia ia 'oku mafai ma'olunga taha he fonua ni 'a ia 'oku ne fakaoli'ia 'o hange 'eni ia ha ilifia tevolo nai.

Na'e fakamahino 'e Edwards koe mafai koia 'oku 'i he Tu'i pea kuopau ketau lea he koe fonua tau'ataina 'eni ka kuo hoko 'a hono 'ohofi ia 'e he Palemia mo 'ene fanau 'a ia 'oku nau fakalele 'a e Nusipepa Kele'a koe faka'ilonga totonu ia 'a e feinga ke lolomi mo fakailifia'i 'a e kakai 'o e fonua ke 'oua tenau lea.

"Ko e me'a ni ko e Palemia pe ia 'oku totonu ke lea he fonua ni pea poto taha pe ia mo tonu ka tau sio pe ka e fa'ifa'iteliha pe ia"?, koe fehu'i foki ia na'e tuku mai 'e Edwards 'i he faka'eke'eke ko'eni.

Na'e toe pehe 'e Edwards koe me'a 'oku mahino mai kuo 'ikai ke kei fakama'uma'u 'a e fanau 'a e Palemia ka kuo nau hopo mai ke malu'i 'a e Palemia pea 'oku fakanatula pe ia ka 'oku fakame'apango'ia 'i he founga 'enau faka'uhinga pea nau toe ala ke faka'uhinga mo e lao 'a ia 'oku lele atu pe ia he founga faka'uhinga 'a e Palemia hange koia 'oku ne toutou malanga'i ke tuku fakatafa'aki 'a e lao pea koe 'uhinga ia 'ene a'u ki he tu'unga Palemia.

"Ko e fa'ahinga faka'uhinga ia 'oku nau mo'ua ma'u ai pe he Fakamaau'anga", ko Edwards mai ia mo 'ene kata.

"Kuo laka he kilu 'a e mo'ua mai 'o e Nusipepa ko'eni mo e Palemia pehe ki hono famili kiate au pea 'oku nau lolotonga fakahoko 'a 'enau kole ki he  Fakamaau'anga ke holoki honau mo'ua kiate au 'i he'enau lau'ikovi'i au ki mui ni mai pea ke totongi fakakongokonga mai ka 'oku 'ikai pe ke tuku 'enau feinga ke lau'i kovi'i au neongo 'enau toutou mo'ua", ko e fakamatala ia 'a Edwards.

Na'e faka'amu 'a Edwards kene fakamamafa 'a e poini mahu'inga fekau'aki mo hono tukuaki'i 'o 'ona 'e he Nusipepa Kele'a 'oku ne ta'etoka'i 'a e fili 'a e kakai pea ne fakamahino 'oku faka'ofo'ofa pe 'a e fili ia 'a e kakai mo 'enau tau'ataina ke fili ka 'oku 'ikai fili 'e he kakai ia honau kau fakafofonga ke nau hu ki loto ki he Pule'anga mo e Fale Alea 'o faihala ai.

"'Oku 'ikai 'uhinga 'a e fili ia 'a e kakai kete fa'ifa'iteliha ai he koe fonua kotoa 'oku 'i ai hono konisitutone mo e lao pea kuo pau ke muimui kiai 'a e tokotaha kotoa. Ko e toutou fakamahino mai 'e he Palemia 'i he Fale Alea mo 'ene ngaahi fakamatala ki he kakai 'oku ne maumau'i 'a e lao ko e vetehia mo'oni ia pea koe 'uhinga ia 'eku fokotu'u kuo taimi kenau malolo ki tu'a koe 'ata totonu ia 'o e fa'itelihia", ko hono fakamahino mai ia 'e Edwards 'a e poini mahu'inga koia.

Na'e hoko atu 'a Edwards 'i he'ene fakamatala 'o fakamamafa 'oku totonu ke 'oua 'e me'angaue 'aki 'a e kakai ke toitoi mai ai 'a e kau taki tokua ko e loto kinautolu 'o e kakai pea 'oku 'ikai koha fakatonuhia 'a e loto ia 'o e  kakai ke maumau'i ai 'a e lao pea ngaue hala 'aki 'a e mafai ke mole ai 'a e tau'ataina mo e koloa 'a e fonua pehe ki he kakai.

Na'e toe fakamahino foki 'e Edwards koe peseti lahi 'o e kakai na'a nau kau atu ki he fili 'i he Fili Fale Alea 2017 na'a nau fili kinautolu ki he kakai na'e 'ikai kenau lava kinautolu 'i he Fili Fale Alea pea koe konga lahi ia 'o e kakai 'o e fonua  'a ia 'oku totonu ke faka'apa'apa'i mo e totonu ia 'a e kakai koia.

"'Oku ou fakapapau 'oku 'ikai ha kakai tenau poupou ke faihala hanau kau taki pea koe taimi 'e ni'ihi 'oku nau to ngofua 'i hono takihala'i kinautolu ka ko hono fakama'opo'opo 'oku 'i ai 'a e ngaahi tu'utu'uni mo e lao kuo pau ke muimui kiai 'a e tokotaha kotoa 'oha fonua 'o tatau pe na'e fili koe 'e he kakai pe 'ikai he 'oku tatau 'a e tokotaha kotoa he fofonga 'o e lao", ko hono toe fakama'ala'ala mai ia 'e Edwards.

'I he lau 'a Edwards, kuo tokolahi 'a e kau taki 'i he hisitolia 'o e ngaahi fonua temokalati tuku kehe ange 'a e kau tikitato 'iloa he hisitolia na'e fili kinautolu 'e he kakai pea na'a nau  faihala 'o maumau'i 'a e lao pea ko hono iku'anga ko hono tuku ki tu'a pea fakamaau'i 'o iku 'o nau ngaue popula 'a ia koe 'ata ia 'o e sisitemi-fakatemokalati pea koe ha ka toe kehe ai 'etau temokalati 'a kitautolu?.

Na'e toe fakamamafa'i mai 'e Edwards 'oku kehe 'a Tonga ni he 'oku 'osi talamai mahino pe 'e he Palemia ia kuo ne mamau'i 'a e lao pea neongo hono fili ia 'e he kakai ka 'oku 'ikai 'uhinga ia ke ma'olunga ange ai ia he lao.

'I he lau 'a e Edwards 'oku vevela foki ki he Palemia mo 'ene fanau pehe ki he kau poupou 'o e Palemia 'a e ngaahi fakaukau 'oku ne fokotu'u atu pea koe  'uhinga ia 'oku nau 'oho pehe holo ai 'o hange 'oku nau kai kape fifisi 'i hono tukuatu 'a e mo'oni pea 'oku 'i ai mo e feitu'u 'oku totonu ke 'ave kiai kapau 'oku nau pehe 'oku 'ikai ha'ane totonu ke lea pehe.

"'Oku 'ikai ke fo'ou kiate au 'enau lau'ikovi'i au mo e feinga ke fehi'a mai 'a e kakai kiate au mo e ngaahi loi kehekehe 'oku fakahoko 'e honau kau poupou ka 'oku ou tukupa ke fakahoko 'a e fatongia totonu faka-Konisitutone ko e lea ki ha me'a 'oku ou tui 'oku uesia ai au mo 'eku totonu pehe foki ki he fonua mo e kakai", ko Edwards mai ia.

Na'e faka'osi 'aki e Edwards 'ene faka'amu ke 'oua 'e me'angaue'aki 'a e kakai pea teke mu'a mai kinautolu kae toitoi mai 'i mui 'a e kau taki 'o fakahoko 'a e ngaahi ngaue 'oku 'ikai fakalao mo faka-Konisitutone pea tala tokua ko e loto ia 'o e kakai he koe 'uhinga ta'efe'unga ia.




1 comment

  • bertie
    bertie Monday, 10 December 2018 20:51 Comment Link

    Mr Edwards has given a clear dissection of why the Premier and his sons and supporters are ganging up on him for , the reason being that they are apprehensive that he Edward could be telling the truth and the people will see him Premier and his followers as manipulative , corrupt cheats . The question begging to be answered is ; are they using the voters trust as an excuse to ride roughshod over the Government ? Do they really believe every word that comes out of the mouth of their leader dripping venom and disdain for the rule of law ? Are they too far gone , because they've been brainwashed and indoctrinated with false ideals and the promises of a better and more prosperous and free Government for so long , they don't know right from wrong anymore .?? Are they the Premier supporters willing to obey without hesitation what ever the Premier tell them to do ? The Premier himself has said in Parliament that if he is removed from power for whatever reason , his supporters will rise up against the authority responsible for his removal , and well may you ask who that authority be ? the answer is the KING !He has even wrote to the leaders of China lamenting , if it weren't for the Church leaders supporting the Monarchy he would've got rid of the King and would do the same with Church leaders too because both the Church and the Monarchy are responsible for holding back Tonga march to into the future . . He also insisted that his letter be kept secret because if his supporters get wind of what he is saying , they might know his real intention and abandon him and his cause .??????


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