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Hoko 'a e Letio Tonga koe me'angaue faka-politikale ‘a e Pule’anga Featured

Hoko 'a e Letio Tonga koe me'angaue faka-politikale ‘a e Pule’anga

12 'Okatopa, 2018. ‘Oku ‘ikai toe veiveiua ‘a e hoko ‘a e Letio mo Televisone Tonga koe mu’angutu (mouthpiece) ‘o e Palemia mo e Pule’anga pehe ki he paati ta’e faka-‘ofisiale koia koe PTOA.

‘I he’ene tu’u koia he ‘aho ni koe Letio mo e Televisone Tonga ko e me’angaue faka-politikale ke vaka atu ai ‘a e ‘a e ngaahi kemipeini mo e ngaahi tefito’i tui faka-politikale fakapalataha mo ‘ikai mo’oni (propaganda) ‘a e Palemia mo e Pule’anga.

Na’e ngaue’aki foki ‘e he Minisita ki he Propaganda ‘a Hitila ko Joseph Goebbels ‘i he kuonga ‘o e pule ‘a e Paati Nazi ‘i Siamane ‘i he kuonga ‘o e tau lahi ‘a mamani hono ua ‘a e founga ko’eni ko hono pule’i fakaaoao mo ngaue’aki ‘a e mitia mo e hu’unga fakamatala ‘a e fonua ke tukutaha atu ai ‘enau tui fakapalataha fakapolitikale.

Ko e fakahinohino foki ia ‘a Hitila mo Goebbels ke ‘ave ‘a e fekau ‘oku ‘ikai mo’oni mo ta’e malava ki he kakai ‘i he fakalea ‘oku faingofua pea toutou ‘ave ma'u pe he ‘e iku pe ‘o nau tui kiai koe mo’oni. “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.”

‘Oku faingata’a ke toe fakafekiki’i ‘eni ia he ‘oku mo’oni ‘a e fakamalanga ‘a e kau taukei folofola koe lesoni mahino ‘eni ia pea ‘oku lahi hono ngaahi fakamo’oni.

Ko ‘ene toki a’usia mo’oni ‘eni ‘e he Komisoni ko’eni ‘a ia ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e Letio mo e Televisone Tonga ‘a e me’a ‘oku ui ko e pule faka-tikitato talu mei hono fokotu’u ‘i he fonua ni pea koe fakatata mahino ia ‘o e halafononga ‘oku hu’u kiai ‘a e fonua he ngaahi ‘aho ni mo e temokalati ‘oku tu’uaki ‘e he kau taki.

Na’e fakatoka pe ‘a e fakaukau ko’eni ‘i he loto ‘ikai hangamalie ‘o e Palemia ki he kau ngaue faiongoongo taukei mo ako lelei ‘a e Letio Tonga ‘i he’ene hoko hake pe ki he lakanga Palemia ‘i he 2015 pehe ki he kakai ako lelei mo taukei na’a nau memipa mo fakalele ‘a e Poate ‘a e Komisoni ‘o iku ki hono veteki pea fakahiki mo e ni’ihi ‘o e kau ngaue pea tu’utu’uni ke fakafisi mo e kau memipa ‘o e Poate.

Na’e fakahu mai leva ‘a e kakai ‘ikai ke taukei ‘o kau kiai ‘a e kau Sea fo’ou ‘o e Poate pea tu’utu’uni’i ‘a e kau faiongoongo ke fakahoko ‘a e ongoongo ‘oku loto kiai ‘a e Pule’anga mo e PTOA pea koe fakamuimui taha ko e mavahe ‘a e pule ‘o e loki ongoongo ki he’ene ngaue’anga fo’ou pea mo e mahino 'a e natula fakaaoao ‘oku hoko ‘i he Letio & Televisone Tonga.

‘Oku ‘ikai ke toe faka’uli’ulilatai ‘a e mahino ki Tonga ni moe Pasifiki koe Sea ‘o e Poate mo e Pule Le’ole’o he ‘aho ni ‘oku ‘ikai ha’ana taukei ngaue pea ‘oku pule’i kakato pe ‘e he Pule’anga ‘a e Letio mo e Televisone mo e ongoongo ke tukuatu ‘a ia ko hono ola ‘eni ko e mole 'a e tau'ataina 'a e ongoongo mo e ‘ikai toe manakoa ai ‘a e Letio Tonga ‘o hange koia na’e anga maheni kiai.

‘Oku fehangahangai ‘a e founga ko’eni mo e laumalie tau’ataina ‘o e ongoongo mo e fakamatala hange koia ‘oku foaki ‘e he Konisitutone pea ‘oku nga'unu atu ‘a Tonga ni ki he founga ‘oku lele ai ‘a Kole Tokelau mo e ngaahi fonua ‘e ni’ihi ‘o mamani ‘oku kei pule’i faka-polisi (police state).

Na’e tuku mai foki ‘e he ongoongo ‘a e Letio Tonga ‘i he pongipongi Pulelulu 10 ‘o e uike ni ‘a hono faka’eke’eke ‘e he tangata faiongoongo ‘amatua ko Vilisoni Tu’iniua ‘a e Minisita Leipa Tu’i Uata fekau’aki mo e ngaahi tukuaki’i ‘o e Palemia ‘i he tohi tangi, Fale Alea mo e lipooti ‘atita pehe ki he ngaahi tukuaki’i ‘i he mitia ki he taki kovi mo e ngaahi ngaue 'ikai fakalao pea koe tali ‘a Uata koe fakatataa mahino ia ‘o e ngaue faka-propaganda ‘oku lolotonga fakahoko ‘e he Letio ko’eni.

Na’e ‘ikai ke ‘omai ‘e Uata ia ha ‘uhinga ‘e taha ka ko’ene tukuaki’i pe ‘a e kakai ‘oku nau fakaanga’i ‘a e Palemia ‘oku nau loto kovi mo loto ke tukuhifo ‘a e Palemia kanau hoko hake ‘o ma’u hono lakanga.

Ko e poini heni ko hono tuku mai ‘a e tali ‘oku faingofua pea toutou ‘omai ‘i he taumu’a ke tui kiai ‘a e kakai pea hoko leva ia ‘o mo’oni kae ‘ikai ke ‘omai ha ‘uhinga pe koha makatu’unga pea toe fakata’e’aonga’i mo e fakaanga ka koe tama’imata ia ‘o e temokalati.

Kuo lahi ‘a e ngaahi fakamo’oni ki he to nounou fakataki ‘a e Palemia mo e Pule’anga pea kuo kole fakamolemole ‘a e Palemia he taimi lahi tukukehe ange ‘a e ngaahi tu’utu’uni Fakamaau’anga mo e ngaahi lipooti faka-‘atita ‘oku ne tuhu’i tonu mai ‘a e faihala mo e tonounou fakataki ‘a e Palemia mo e Pule’anga.

‘I he tafa’aki ‘e taha ‘oku ‘ikai toe veiveiua koe kuonga longo’a’a taha ‘eni ‘o e fonua makatu’unga ‘i he tu’unga faka-taki ‘oha Palemia.

‘Oku ‘i ai ‘a e fakame’apango’ia he me’a ko’eni kuo hoko ki he Letio 'a e fonua ka ‘oku ‘ikai ke kei ma’u ‘e he Letio Tonga & Televisone Tonga ‘a e tau’ataina fakamitia mo faka-fakamatala ka kuo hoko ko e misini ke vaka ai ‘a e tui mo e tataki fakapalataha ‘a e Palemia mo e Pule’anga ‘a ia ‘oku fa’a ui ‘i he lea faka-Pilitania koe propaganda machine.


  • bertie
    bertie Saturday, 13 October 2018 18:06 Comment Link

    There was a time when we could've put a stop to this farce before it got to this stage .. If one would look back to the time when Akilisi started to gain the attention of the people he had the backing of some of the most prominent people in the communities behind him , than they started to back away from him till , he was practically left by himself , but he still had a few hanger on clinging to his shirttail they are the die hard who are in Government positions today . Many of us didn't know what , are the qualities of a good leader so we choose wrongly . We confuse arrogance and narcissism as a sign of a good leader .We've got a leader who believes he is always right , does not listens to advice , and never learns from his mistakes . We've had our chance to stop him , and we blew it so why all the commotion ? Sometimes we pick the wrong leader because of psychological bias but also to serve ones own interests , rather than for the good of all , we tend to compare effectiveness with being a good leader , we put a lot on the outcome on his achievement not caring how it was obtained "the end justify the means" ? So now it's up to us as a people to decide , is this leader a good leaders or just someone gunning to be the strongman of Tonga ? the signs are there his egregious abuse of power he flout the law .His wish is a command to his Goons , before Tonga realizes what's happening , he and his GANG will be in full control if nothing is done to stop him . Leaders who harbour ulterior motive will either control all media outlets or silence it all together . GOD BLESS TONGA .

  • Fahina
    Fahina Friday, 12 October 2018 12:31 Comment Link

    Oku tau fakame'apango'ia he a'u 'a e letio Tonga ki he tu'unga koia he 'aho ni. Na'e 'ikai ke fai ha misi kiai ka kuo hoko ia he 'aho ni. Oku lolotonga hoko 'I Aositelelia 'a e fakatonutonu hili hono tuku e CEO 'oe ABC news a e fonua ki tu'a o mahino ko e tu'utu'uni mei he Poate koe'uhi tokua oku fu'u lahi hono ohofi 'ehe ABC a e fa'ahi fakapolitikale koia koe LIberal ne toki fakahifo ai a e Palemia ko Mr Turnbull. Ko e fakatotolo ko'eni he oku mahino ne hanga e he kau Taki Poate oe ABC o fakapolitikale'i pe fakapopula'i e ABC ke oua tenau toe fu'u lipooti lahi e ngaahi issue oku fekuki moe fa'ahi Liberal mo 'enau faitu'utu'u ni ki he fonua. Kuo tuku ai ha taha 'o e kau Poate kitu'a pea kuo faitu'utu'uni e Pule'anga kuopau ke fakapapau'i oku 'ilo ehe kakai e founga oku fili'aki ha taha ki he Poate Pule pea ke fkpapau'i 'a e tau'ataaina fakapolitikale 'a e ABC network ke nau view enau opinion fekau'aki moe Pule'anga pea mo 'enau ngaahi tu'utu'uni neongo koe Station oku fakapa'anga e Pule'anga ka oku tau'ataina kakato pe ia mei he Pule ae Pule'anga. Ka kuo kehe 'eni kuonga kuo 'ikai ketau toe fie fanongo letio he lahi e me'a koe loi moe fasitu'u pea moe 'ikai kalama mo silapa e lea mai 'a e kau faiongoongo. Oku mole atu a e ngaahi le'o ne mahino a etau fie fanongo ki he 'enau ngaahi polokalama heene uhinga malie mo e mahino na'e fai hono ngaue'i moe fekumi. Kuo hoko mai e motu'a ako Tau'olunga a e PTOA o fai e fuu fo'i fakanafala ko 'eni pea hange kuo mole atu ai e fie fanongo ki he A3Z...
    Ofa pe ke vave ha taimi kuo tau fanongo ai kiha polokalama lelei mo ta'e fakapolitikale ka 'ikai pea tau sio a ki he Mate Ma'a Tonga oku ne fakatahataha'i e fonua..


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