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Director of WCCC 'Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki pushes for ratification of CEDAW Featured

Women and Children Crisis Centre's Director 'Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki Women and Children Crisis Centre's Director 'Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki

25 January, 2018. A women's rights advocate in Tonga says she hopes to allay community fears about ratifying international human rights conventions.

Tonga's human rights record came under scrutiny last week as part of a periodic review at the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Many states expressed concerns that Tonga had not ratified key agreements like the Convention Against Torture and the Convention for the Elimination of all Forms Discrimination Against Women, known as CEDAW.

The director of Tonga's Women and Children Crisis Centre, 'Ofa Guttenbeil-Likiliki, said public misconceptions about CEDAW were that it would pave the way for same sex marriage and lead to abortion being legalised.

"There still needs to be a lot of rigorous public awareness and the Crisis Centre has a huge role to play in that," she said.

"We are probably one of the very few organisations in Tonga who can raise a thorough awareness around CEDAW and debunk all the myths and the misconceptions that a large section of our communities have of it."

The Pohiva government first attempted to ratify CEDAW in 2015, which provoked a backlash and eventual backdown in the conservative Kingdom.



  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Monday, 05 February 2018 07:28 Comment Link

    SPOT ON, MARK HANSEN...WCCC needs to work with Family Planning and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Prevention like HM Tupou IV promoted 40 years ago - but opposed by the Dept. of Ed and principals of church-sponsored schools.. WCCC is a CEDAW mouthpiece under the guise of those "do-gooder" NGOs receiving $50,000 yearly from the Tongan Government, and overseas donations.
    WCCC hides behind protecting women and children from domestic violence at home, but on the other hand WCCC does not counsel victims and their families to work out the problems within our Tongan traditions, nor does WCCC counsel victims to work with their church leaders to solve the problems. WCCC encourages supposed "victims" to come to WCCC which promotes solutions such as abortion trips overseas for young unmarried ladies, for an example. Similarly, WCCC as a CEDAW pusher, will certainly promote same-sex union as a "human right" issue. The UN and Globalist pushers are anti religion, anti soverrignty, and anti traditions.

  • Ofa-ki-Tonga
    Ofa-ki-Tonga Sunday, 28 January 2018 12:28 Comment Link

    Mo'oni e lea tonga 'oku taka he fonua 'o Hou'eiki mo Tupou - Maumau e 'Elili moe Loka. Ko e fehu'i koe ha na'e 'ikai Liliu ai 'e Kuni Salote Tupou III 'a e fa'unga motu'a 'o e fonua? Ko e tali kiai keke lau e Hisitolia 'o Tonga ke mahino lelei kia koe. Ua, fefe keke feinga keke liuliu e konivesio 'a e UN fekau'aki moe CEDAW, 'aki ho'o taukave'i 'a e tui moe tokateline 'a e kakai Tonga. Sio ma'u pe ki he kaha'u telia na'a 'alu hake ho hako 'o 'efihia he polisii ngalivale ko eni 'oku fepaki moe lotu moe tu'u fehangahangai moe fonua.

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Saturday, 27 January 2018 11:03 Comment Link

    Ko ia, it's all about money. It's budget preparation time and she has to show evidence that she has achieved her KPIs before any funds are pumped into her budget. These are the kind of people who can easily sell their souls to the devil as long as the dollar rolls in!!! She's now selling her country to the devil .........
    Mo e ta'etoka'i lahi e Tu'i. Koe vakai pe kuo mahino e finangalo e Tu'i fekau'aki moe CEDAW kae vili ta'e'unua atu pe he manumanu.

  • Sii Tonga fakaofa
    Sii Tonga fakaofa Friday, 26 January 2018 11:29 Comment Link

    The main purpose of ratifying CEDAW is money not about violence against women. This woman needs to stand down.

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Thursday, 25 January 2018 17:20 Comment Link

    This woman is a disgrace to the Tongan heritage and taufatungamotu'a. She thinks we can't read and make our own interpretations. We all know that promoting global conventions and ratifying UN conventions are her bread and butter. But she tends to undermine our intelligence and intellectual capability. We also know that in project oriented employment, where donors fully funds everything, there are KPIs and milestones recipients of funds have to meet before any funds are released. That is why this woman tries to shove this CEDAW and human rights agenda down our throats. There is nothing in the CEDAW that is not addressed already by our own laws. Authorities only have to enforce them. We don't need another piece of legislation via a foreign convention to tell us what is good and what is bad.
    And who cares about those other states who "expressed concerns that Tonga had not ratified key agreements etc..." Those states are represented by ungodly atheists and homosexuals in the UN, and they are trying to force Tonga to accept their ungodly and sadistic ideologies. And this selfish woman and others like her swallow those ideologies hook, line and sinker!!!
    Leave our dear nation alone and take your siitoa to the high seas where it belongs. I have asked this woman so many times in this column to name a country or countries that have ratified CEDAW and as a result the discrimination/violence against women in those countries have significantly decreased or eradicated altogether. She has not responded.
    She has not responded because she knows that there are no such countries. In fact discrimination/violence against women have escalated dramatically in those countries in recent years.
    So much for achieving your KPIs OGL!!!


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