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The move to dissolve Parliament was part of a failed coup: 'Akilisi Pohiva Featured

Tonga's now-interim Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva Tonga's now-interim Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva

28 August, 2017. Tonga's now-interim Prime Minister Akilisi Pohiva says the King's move to dissolve Parliament was part of a failed coup and an organised attempt to push him out.

He told Newshub he was never informed of the decision, and believes the way it occurred could be illegal.

He says he learned of King Tupou VI's decision to dissolve Parliament on social media.

"There was no direction from His Majesty to me, or a message or a letter. I just found out from outside," Mr Pohiva said.

"I was very disappointed. The way I look at it was that was a coup, but it failed."

Just three days ago, the government's speaker advised the King to take the action. The King did, but decided Mr Pohiva will remain Prime Minister for now.

"It was a well organised set up to dismantle the current government," Mr Pohiva said.

Mr Pohiva believes his opponents plotted against him, and said his advice from the Attorney General is that what had happened might not be legal.

He has faced criticism for cancelling the Pacific Games, which Tonga was to host in 2019, and was accused of using money carelessly, such as spending millions on developing a golf course.

While he claims there hasn't been any misappropriation of public funds, he accepts his leadership hadn't been without issues.

"Leaders are bound to make mistake - serious mistakes. We have done our best and the fact is the country is moving forward," Mr Pohiva said.

While the nation is moving forward, it also faces disruption and uncertainty - and early elections will be in November, where he plans to stand again.

Mr Pohiva will meet with ministers and government CEOs on Monday to discuss the ongoing political crisis.

While the blow is a huge setback for his leadership, he says he has the support of the public and hopes to retain his job come November.



  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Wednesday, 30 August 2017 15:46 Comment Link

    Mālō Fāhina...Ko e "failed coup" ena 'a hono tutu 'a Nuku'alofa 'i he 2006. Na'e ' ai 'a e mate, mo e faka-moveuveu, ka e hili ko iá, na'e 'ikai ha founga ngāue hala 'a e Pule'angá na'e fai.

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Tuesday, 29 August 2017 09:18 Comment Link

    Koe fai ai pe mimio moe takihala'i e kakai 'oku nau 'otua ki ai..
    Pea kole atu mu'a ki he minisita lao 'ae palemia ke tuku 'ene fa'a lea moe 'ilonga 'ene tonounou fakavesitapolo moe mamaha hono ki'i fo'i 'atamai. Na'a mo ha ki['I leka lautohi 'e mahno ki ai e 'uhinga 'oku 'ikai 'oange ai e mafia fili 'oe Komisiona Polisi moe 'Ateni Seniale ke fai 'ehe Kapineti. Me'a tatau ki he 'uhinga 'oku 'ikai kau ai e kau minisita he Fakataha Tokoni. Ko 'enau holi ke nau toe o atu pe nautolu 'o fale'i e Tu'i fekau'aki mo 'enau ngaahi ngaue? mani e he me'a koe matolu 'ae ta'emahino moe fie ma'u mafia. "ofa mai mu'a ha taha 'o fakamatala atu ke mahino kia Vuna e 'uhinga 'oe independent body, conflict of interest, integrity, separation of power moe ha fua e ngaahi fo'i lea mamafa 'oku te'eki a'u ki ai 'ene mahino.

  • Fahina
    Fahina Monday, 28 August 2017 18:15 Comment Link

    Oku mahino koaa ki he PM oku 'ikai ko ha coup 'ena.. oku 'ikai ke "illegal" oku legal pe 'a e tu'utu'uni 'a e Tu'i fakatatau ki hono mafai kuo foaki kiai 'ehe Konisitutone..
    Oku 'iai e ngaahi me'a oku mahino mai 'oku 'ikai ke finangalo kiai 'a Tupou kuo ne fai ai e tu'utu'uni ko'eni fekau'aki pea mo e falealea...
    Ki'i taimi hifo ho'o fakamatala koe coup he oku fakalao e me'a kotoa.. fakakaukau hifo pe ki ho'o to'o fatongia pe na'e lelei pe pe na'e alu ki he kovi ange.. Ko koe pe fuofua PM ke lea mai ke "tuku e lao ki he tafa'aki".. hala ia .. koe me'a na'a ke malanga'i he ngaahi ta'u koe kuo ikai keke toe fai kiai pea oku matamata pe ke tu'ulu e fonua ki he fakapo'uli ange ho'o ngaahi fokotu'utu'u.. Oku ke pehe oku sai ki he kakai nofo muli ho'o kei tanaki pa'anga mei honau kakava ka kuo kaniseli e Sipoti???
    Ko e fuofua PM koe kuo ke ma'u e mafai lahi ke fai ha me'a ma'ae fonua ka oku ke nofo pe koe o vilivili ke toe fakalahi atu ho mafai.. ke tuku atu kemou fili e Ateni Seniale moe Komanita Polisi?? Kuo osi fe'unga e fu'u mafai lahi 'oku ke ma'u kake toe holi koe ki he me'a a Tupou.. Oku 'ikai ko ha faha 'a Tupou mo hono kau fale'i ke nau vakai atu pe o 'ilo ho'o huuhuumama oku fai ki he fonua pea moe kakai..
    Kolomotu'a mou ofa a o fili mai ha taha oku tatau hono ngutu mo hono tuhu he e mo'oni pe 'a Tofaa Ramsy (RIP).. Sai ange pe topai he favai..

  • SioneT
    SioneT Monday, 28 August 2017 15:59 Comment Link

    Can anyone help our Caretaker PM?

  • Mark Hanson
    Mark Hanson Monday, 28 August 2017 15:43 Comment Link

    Tuku aa e mate-kala he'ikai ke tanu 'e taha e ngaahi ngaue ta'efaitotonu moe mio'i. Ka ne ko au koe palemia kuou ma'u ai pe ha fononga ki 'api 'o malolo he'ene kei sai.
    Malo Tupou VI e 'ofa ho fonua mo ho kakai 'o fakahaofi kei taimi kinautolu mei he kau kakaa siokita lulutava ko ena.


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