Quarantine change to ease work of Tongan Covid team
1 March, 2021. Easing the workload of the Tonga's Covid-19 surveillance team has been revealed as one of the reasons for the change in managed quarantine.
1 March, 2021. Easing the workload of the Tonga's Covid-19 surveillance team has been revealed as one of the reasons for the change in managed quarantine.
28 February, 2021. Tonga's Ministry of Health says it plans to vaccinate up to 70 percent of the population by the end of the year.
16 February, 2021. Three cases of coronavirus were confirmed over the weekend, plunging Auckland into Level 3 lockdown and the rest of New Zealand into Level 2 until midnight Wednesday, 17 February.
10 Fepueli, 2020. Kuo tali ‘e he Kapinetí ke kolonitini ‘a e kau pāsese kotoa pē ‘oku nau folau mai mei mulí ‘i he uike ‘e tolu ‘i he ngaahi feitu’u fakamavahe’i makehé (quarantine facilities) koe’uhí ke fakapapau’i ‘a e malu mo e hao ‘a Tonga mei he Covid-19 pea lava ke tokanga’i makehe mo malu ha taha ‘e puke mei he mahaki ni ke ‘oua ‘e toe mafola.
31 Sanuali, 2021. Kuo lava kakato hono kolonitini 'o e toko 238 'a ia na'a nau folau mai mei Nu'usila mo Ha'amoa 'i he polokalama fakafoki mai hotau kakai 'a ia 'oku fokotu'utu'u 'e he Pule'anga.
London & New York: Ko e fe‘au‘auhi ‘a e ngaahi kautaha hu‘ivai-faito‘o lalahí ke ma‘u ha huhu-malu‘i, pe huhu-ta‘ofí (vaccine) ‘o e Covid-19 kuo takimu‘a mai ai ‘a e Pfizer, Inc., kautaha hu‘ivai faito‘o ‘Amelika mo honau kaungā-pisinisi Siamané ko e BioNTech. Ko ‘enau faito‘ó fo‘oú ni (BNT162b2) kuo huhu sivi‘i ‘i he kakai ‘e toko 43,000 pea kuo ola lelei ai ‘a e 90% mei he Covid-19.
Liliu Lea Tonga ‘a Sione Ake Mokofisi (By Marilynn Marchione - The Associated Press)
11 'Okatopa, 2020. Na'e tu'uta mai 'a e kau folau 'e toko 141 'i he mala'e vakapuna Fua'amotu 'i he 'aho Falaite 9 'o 'Okatopa ko e folau hangatonu mai mei Christchurch Nu'usila.