Investors required to go through new government committee Featured

30 January, 2017. The Tongan government has created a committee to look at potential foreign investors following recent confusion regarding a proposed casino.
Last week, a native American company, Red Warrior Entertainment, claimed that it had reached an agreement to build a gaming resort in Tonga.
But the government came out to deny this, reaffirming that gambling is illegal in Tonga.
The chief executive of the Ministry of Revenue, 'Anisi Bloomfield, said he suspects the announcement was made to try and garner overseas financial support.
He said the government has responded by setting up a committee that all prospective investors and developers must now go through.
"People just come in, getting what they want, and then they take that piece of paper," Mr Bloomfield said.
"They are not the actual investor, they are middle men.
"They take that piece of paper and they go overseas and look for investors to get their financial support for a project and it ends up sometimes the project does not materialise and the money goes to somewhere else."
Seanoa, it is a matter of choice and I believe there will be specific people join the play. Please discourage us by authenticating your information. Tonga needs casino to combat economic depression.
Tonga shouldn't have a casino it's a bad influence to the people and the kingdom, once you open these types of venue than the people spend their earning in the casino, instead of the family needs, I live in Nevada where casinos are legally operating, I witness the downfalls of the residents, alcoholic ,drugs, prostitute and other crimes.
Koe ki'i fehu'i atu pe ki he CEO ko eni, pe koe ha e lau 'ae lao lolotonga ki he fa'ahinga pisinisi ko eni koe casino. 'Oku 'ikai nai fe'unga e ngaahi provisions 'ae lao 'oku toe fiema'u ai e ki'i komiti ko eni? Ko hai e kau memipa 'oe komiti pea koe ha 'enau TOR; 'oku 'iai ha lau 'ae lao kiha toe komiti pehe ni? Koe ha e ngaahi makatu'unga (criteria) ke tefito ai hono tali mo ta'etali 'ehe komiti ko eni ha kole fokotu'u pisinisi 'a ha 'inivesitoa?
'Oku fiema'u pe ke tau 'ilo e ngaahi me'a ni, he koe fu'u mafai lahi 'e ma'u 'ehe komiti ko eni pea 'oku fu'u fakatu'utamaki 'aupito, kae tautautefito 'oku taki ai e tangata CEO ko eni 'oku lahi hono hisitolia fakalanulanu. -
He'ikai ta'e appoint pe 'e 'Anisi 'a 'Anisi ke ne fai e investigate o e kau middle men, pea ko e fefolau'aki kotoa he'ikai fou 'i fisi na'a si'i puke ai 'o fakamaau'i he potanga me'a 'iai 'iooo
Koe CEO fakatu'utamaki faka'ulia e tangata ko 'ena. Ki'i fuoloa 'ene ta'e fou ki Fiji kae pau 'oku 'iai pe hono 'uhinga. Malie 'ene hu'uhu'uu he koe ninja pe tene 'ilo'i e ninja. Toe 'uha toki hifo Sisu kataki.
Ko e toki me'a fakalilifu lahi ki he fonua ni, ka kau 'a e tangata star koeni ko Anisi Bloomfield i he komiti ko'eni! Uha helepelu hifo