Two solar powered TUK TUKs contributed to MEIDECC Featured

1 December, 2016. As part of implementation of the MOU signed by the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni and Dr Lukka Muller of Solar Island Technology 2 solar powered TUK TUK have been contributed to the Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, and Communication, MEIDECC yesterday morning
. The contribution marked the joint energy research on transport sector that will be conducted by the Department of Energy and the Solar Island Technology in identifying sustainable energy options to combat climate changes through reducing petroleum consumption.
This follows the decision of His Majesty’s Cabinet for the Ministry of MEIDECC and Tonga Energy Road Map to work hand in hand with the Solar Island Technology Co. Ltd in identifying Mobile Applications of Solar Initiative Project (MASI). Under MASI project, solar technology such as Solar TUK TUK has been identified as one of new sustainable means of transport in Tonga. However other commercial renewable energy applications with positive impacts in overall reduction of carbon emissions will be show case in the country in the near future.
The involvement of the Ministry of MEIDECC in the implementation of the project is not only revealing the country’s support for Paris Agreement, but also reflect the need to support and improve methods of technology transfer and sharing of technical knowhow between countries.
On energy research, the solar TUK TUK will support the regional Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Centre of Excellence that will be hosted by the MEIDECC under the umbrella of the Framework for Action on Energy Security in the Pacific (FAESP) and the Small Island Sustainable Energy and Climate Resilience Initiative (SIDS DOCK). The centre will be co-hosted by the Pacific Community (SPC).
The hand-over of the solar TUK TUK to the Deputy Prime Minister, Hon. Siaosi 'Ofakivahafolau Sovaleni, who said “The donated vehicles from SIT will help improve energy knowledge and technology transfer in renewable energy applications, installations and constructions in the country. It is a key element of our national energy roadmap to achieve 50% renewable energy penetration in the electricity sector by 2020.”
The commissioning of solar TUK TUK marks an important milestone reinforcing private sector participation on addressing key issues such as sustainable renewable energy, and the promotion of business partnership that will allow us to produce more jobs and employment for Tonga” said Dr Lukka Muller, of Solar Island Technology.
Masi'i Fakalalafu koe kau ngaue foki 'ena 'a e MEIDEC, tenau lava pe 'enautolu 'o tau uaea'i kiha puha 'uhila 'o mo'ui. Ka 'ikai 'e teke teke lalo'i pe ia ta'e la'aa he koe tuk tuk foki, pea toe moulu atu hhh
'Oku sai fie'ilo 'a e Tukutuku ia he 'oku 'ikai lava ia lele he p'ouli he 'oku sola foki pea fiema'u pe 'a e la'a ka 'oku 'ikia koe mahina moe fetu'u..
Koe fakatokanga mahu'inga 'a'au fieilo. Fiema'u ke fkngatangata pe pasese 'a e tukutuku 'e 1 kihe fo'i tukuku pe 'e 2. Pea kapau koha fu'u tukuku sino lahi hange koe Tokoni PM, pea 'e tukuku pe taha, kae lava ke tolonga e ongo tukutukuu. He kou sioloto atu au ki ha'anau fkmokomoko pahia takai holo he ngaahi mataatahi, pea taumaiaa 'e toe 'utu he koe lele solar pe foki. Koe me'aa pe na'a too ha 'uha lahi fkfokifa 'o maha e solar mei he la'aa, kae pikisia e ongo tukutukuu ha pelepela 'iha matatahi. Koe anga pe poupou atu fieilo ke tokanga'i lelei e ongo tukutukuu he koe me'a'ofa 'aonga, pea 'e ala ngaue'aki he po'uli moe 'aho.
Malo e foaki ia, kae tokanga'i atu Tokoni Palemia e ongo fo'i solar tukuku ko 'ena ke si'i tolonga, Na'a oo ia o tukutuku tokolahi ha matatahi, ka 'oku toko 2 pe pasese 'a e fo'i tukuku 'e taha.