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Fiema'u 'a e fale'i lelei: Tōtu’a e palopalema mo e ngalivale Featured

Fiema'u 'a e fale'i lelei: Tōtu’a e palopalema mo e ngalivale

22 Ma'asi, 2018. ‘Oku ‘alu pe ‘a e taimi ia ke toe lahi ange ‘a e palopalema ‘i he fonua pea ‘oku mahino mai ‘a hono fiema’u ke fanongo ‘a e kau taki ki he fale’i ‘oku fai ‘e he kau ‘ofisiale ‘a e Pule’anga mo e ngaahi sino falala’anga ka ‘oku ‘ikai koe fale’i ‘a e kau ta’e’ofisiale mo e kakai ta’efalala’anga he fonua.

‘Oku mahino pe ‘a e lahi ia ‘a e palopalema faka-sosiale ia ‘i he fonua ka ‘oku nofo ‘ e fakamamafa ia ‘o e fakakaukau ko’eni ‘i he fai tu’utu’uni ‘a e kau taki ‘o e Pule’anga he ‘oku lahi ‘a e ngalivale pea ‘oku fakaloloma he ‘oku ‘ikai ha teki ia ‘e taha kiai.

Neongo pe ‘a e tō kehekehe ‘i he anga ‘etau sio ki he ngaahi ‘isiū faka-sosiale, faka-‘ikonomika, mo faka-politikale ka koe ‘osi ange ‘a e ‘aho ko hotau fonua pea ‘oku tau mamahi’i mo fakapapau’i ‘oku fou ‘i he hala mahino mo fakalao mo e founga totonu pea ngali poto.

Kuo tōtu’a ‘a e ngalivale ‘a e fonua ‘i he ngaahi tu’utu’uni ‘a e kau taki pea ‘oku ‘ikai lava ke mahino he taimi lahi kiate kinautolu ‘a e ‘efika ‘o e mo’ui fakataki pea ke fakafaikehekehe’i ‘a e ngaahi me’a mo e tu’utu’uni ‘oku lelei mei he kovi.

‘Oku tau kamata mai pe mo e teemi faka-Falealea ko’eni mo e hoko ‘a e ngaahi tu’utu’uni ‘a ia ‘oku ‘ikai ngata he’ene mavahe mei he lao ka ‘oku ‘ikai ha ‘uhinga lelei kiai pea ‘oku mahino mai ‘a e fiema’u ke fale’i lelei ‘a e kau taki pea ‘oua ‘e ilifia ‘a e kau CEO mo e kau ‘ofisiale ‘i hono lea’aki ‘a e mo’oni he kuo hiva kava ‘aki ‘a e Pule’anga ‘e he tokolahi pehe ki he ngaahi fonua kaungā’api.

‘Oku ‘i ai ‘a e ngaahi me’a mo’oni kuo ‘osi hoko pea koe fakatātā totonu ia ‘o e mahu’inga ke fale’i lelei hotau kau taki he ‘oku mahino ‘a e ‘ikai ha taukei mo ha ‘ilo fe’unga tukukehe ange ‘a e vavai faka-‘ulungaaanga.

Na’e fononga atu ‘a e Minisitā ‘o e Leipa ke tufa ‘a e tokoni afā ‘ikai fakaongoongo ki he founga ngāue mo e founga totonu kene fakahoko pea iku 'o to kehekehe ai mo e kau ngaue 'a e NEMO. 'Oku ho’ata mei heni ‘a e ‘ikai taukei mo e ta’e’ilo tukukehe ange ‘a e ta'efie'ulutukua ka 'oku fu’u fiema’u ha fale’i lelei kiate ia pea ke fanongo foki.

Kuo toe faka'ilo foki mo launga’i 'a e Minisita tatau ki he'ene lau’ikovi’i ‘a e taha ‘o e kau Fakafofonga ‘o e Kakai ki he Fale Alea pea ‘oku kei fakatatali ‘a e hopo koia ke fakahoko.

‘I he mahina kuo maliu atu na’e totongi ‘e he Potungāue Ki he Ngaahi Ngāue Fakalotofonua ‘a e tikite pisinisi ‘a e hoa ‘o ‘enau Minisitā mei he pa’anga ‘a e Potungāue kena folau ‘o ‘eva ki ‘Aositelēlia.

‘Oku ho’ata mei heni ‘a e ‘ikai fanongo ‘a e taki ki he fale’i ‘oku ‘oatu pea ilifia ‘a e kau ngāue ke fakahoko honau fatongia fale’i. Na’e foki mai pe foki ‘a e Minisitā ko’eni mei he folau ko’eni na’e fakahoko ‘o hū pilīsone ko hono tukuaki’i ia ki he ngaahi hia fekau’aki mo e pa’anga ‘oku lau kilu.

Na’e hake kataki ‘a e Minisitā Polisi ‘o ta’aki mai ‘ene kau ngāue lolotonga ia ko hono fatongia koe taki kene solova fakalotofale ‘eni ‘o fakatatau ki he lao mo e tu’utu’uni ngāue ‘a e Potungāue. ‘Oku mahino mei heni ‘a e ‘ikai ke mahino ‘a e laini ‘o e mafai mo e ta’efie fanongo ki he fale’i. Na’e hoko ‘ene tuku mai ‘a e anga ‘ene ma’u ‘i he mitīa ke fukefuke’i mai ‘e he ‘Ateni Seniale pehe ki he Kau Tau ‘Ene ‘Afio ‘a ‘ene tō nounou ‘i he mahino mo e founga ‘a ia na’e fiema’u heni ‘a e fale’i mo e fanongo pea iku ke ho'ata mai 'a e movetevete 'a e ngaahi kupu ko'eni 'o e Pule'anga.

Kuo tu’utu’uni ‘e he Minisitā Ako ke ‘oua ‘e kau atu ‘a e fanau fefine ki he ‘akapulu mo e fuhu ‘o ‘ikai ha ‘uhinga lelei kene ikuna’aki ‘a e ngaahi ‘uhinga mo’oni mo mamafa ange ‘oku tuku mai ‘e he kakai ‘o e fonua pehe ki muli ‘a ia ‘oku hā mei heni ‘a e ‘ikai ha fale’i lelei mo e matu’aki ta’e taukei.

‘Oku fu’u ma’ama’a ‘a e ‘uhinga koe ngeia mo e tukufakaholo kene fakafepaki’i ‘aki ‘a e ngaahi ‘uhinga lelei mo mamafa ‘oku ‘omi ‘e he tafa’aki ‘e taha pea ‘e hoko ‘eni ia ke ta’ofi ai ‘a e hou’eiki fafine mei he ngaahi faingamalie lahi ‘i he sosaieti ‘a ia ‘oku ‘i ai ‘enau totonu ke fili kiai tukukehe ange ‘a e laumalie ‘o e tau’atāina kuo foaki ‘e he Konisitūtone.

Kuo lāunga’i ‘a e Minisitā Mo’ui ko ‘ene tuki ‘i ha tangata’eiki ta’u 61 mei Lapaha lolotonga ‘a e fe’auhi tāpulu ‘a e Digicel ‘i he faka’osinga ‘o e uike. Ko e kaveinga ko’eni kapau ‘oku mo’oni pea ‘oku ta’ota’o atu ki heni ‘a e fu’u fiema’u ke fale’i lelei ‘a e kau taki he ‘oku fu’u ta’efe’unga mo ngalivale ke hoko ‘eni.

‘Oku ‘ikai fa’a laua ‘a e ‘ikai fie fanongo ‘a e Palēmia ia ki he ngaahi fale’i ‘oku ‘oatu kiate ia pea kuo mahino pe foki ‘ene toutou lea’aki ke tuku fakatafa’aki ‘a e lao ka e lele e ngāue ia. Na’e hili pe foki ‘a e Saikolone ko Gita kuo ne me’a ki he ngaahi mītia ‘o fakahā ‘oku ‘ikai ha kaunga ‘o e Pule’anga ki he fakaakeake mei he saikolone he koe fatongia ia ‘o e NEMO.

Kuo tuku mai foki ‘i he ngaahi mitia mo e alea ‘a e Palēmia ke fakatau ‘e he Pule’anga ‘a e Hotele Little India pea ‘oku nofo foki ai mo hono kau muimui he taimi lahi ‘a ia ‘oku malava ke faka’uhinga ‘eni koe totongi fakafufū.

Na'e hoko 'a e ongo fakafisi 'e ua 'i he Kapineti pea tali 'e he Palēmia 'a e taha kae 'ikai tali 'a e taha.

Ko e konga si’i pe ‘eni ‘o e ngaahi fakatātā mahino ‘o e fu’u fiema’u ha fale’i ki he kau taki pea toe fiema’u kenau angalelei mu'a 'o fanongo.

Ko e ngaahi fakatātā ‘i ‘olunga ‘oku hoko kotoa pe ia ‘i loto he mahina ‘e 3 ‘o e kamata mai ‘a e Pule’anga pea ko e me’a ‘oku mahino mei heni pe ‘oku nau fanongo koā ki he fale’i pe ‘ikai?. ‘E malava pe ketau pehe ‘oku ‘ikai kenau tali ha fale’i pe ‘oku ilifia ‘a e kau ‘ofisiale ke fakahoko kiate kinautolu ‘a e fale’i pea ‘oku mahino ngofua pe ia.

‘Oku mahino foki ‘oku ‘i ai ‘a e kakai ‘oku muimui ofi ‘i he Palēmia mo e kau taki ‘oku malava kenau fanongo kinautolu kiai ka koe pango koe tokolahi ‘o e kau muimui ko’eni ‘oku ‘ikai ha’anau taukei fakangāue pe fakaako pe aa pea ‘ikai ngata ao ‘oku ‘i ai honau ni’ihi ‘oku ‘i ai honau hisitōlia faihia pea ‘oku hulu atu ‘enau mo’ui ‘afungi mo ‘ikai fakamolale.

‘Oku fakamālō’ia ‘a e ngaahi ngāue lelei ia kuo fakahoko ‘e he kau taki ka ‘i hono fakahoa ki he ngaahi paloplema ‘oku fai kiai ‘a e lave ‘oku fu’u ngalivale ‘a e fonua pea ‘oku totonu mo taau ke ma’u ha kau fale’i lelei ke fale’i ‘a e kau taki pea ‘oku fiema’u foki kenau fanongo he ‘e tokoni lahi ‘eni ki he’enau fua fatongia.


  • bertie
    bertie Monday, 14 May 2018 17:21 Comment Link

    How pathetic it is to see the present government unraveling and , spiraling out of control and no one , have any idea how to stop it .How could this be happening in a country like Tonga ? ?, well ! its plain to see , with the inception of the so called democratic party with its proposed changes and new ideals which would steer Tonga on a new course that would get rid off the old system , with it's corrupt way's and put Tonga on the road to prosperity and transparency in all government policies but as times goes by, things were not as it should be. Once again ; the question WHY ?the only answer i could think of , is that we exchanged one form of government for another with both doing the same thing, only under a different name.The problem here is people are still clinging to the old way , listening to their heart not thinking until its too late . When corrupt people are put out from government , people out of loyalty vote them back in again , so why the uproar now? you voted them in , bear the consequences of your action whether it be good or bad For Tonga to move forward we must choose whats good from our past and integrate it with what new ideas we have for the future .When the country was under the leadership of the aristocracy , there was none of this bickering going on ,'causing havoc , disunity, YES ! they at times put their will above everything else ,but the country as a whole was at peace , we were all one with our rulers ,POOR , but we were content .Education and knowledge can be dangerous , if not.used wisely , sadly it's not being used in that sense by the present government. How did this unravelling of government policies happen ? It's because they fell into the same pit they accused the royals of digging , filling their own pockets with kick backs from underhand dealing , the very thing they were beating their chest and promising that they will never be party to such despicable behaviour .There are people within government who are always looking for opportunities to run quick rich scheme whilst under the impression it's for the benefit of all.It's amazing how AID DONOR countries not see whats happening to their tax payer's monies ,heck ! it's making some poor crooked politicians instant MILLIONAIRES , instead of using it for the purpose it was meant for.Aid money are being splurged by this government recklessly and no ones accountable , how bizzare ! Until someone can do a better job of running the country, better than when the king held the rain , than and only than will Tonga be ," TONGA MA'A TONGA" again .But , hey ! There will never be a perfect candidate who would run a government without a blemish but , whoever is in charge should be of strong character with the integrity to be fair but firm in his dealing with his subordinate , if it's like that than he or she will have a government that runs like a well oiled machine .A good captain will listen to his officers advice and than decide his actions accordingly , DON'T! at his peril .God bless Tonga. Bertie

  • Finau
    Finau Friday, 23 March 2018 10:35 Comment Link

    Ko hotau fonua oki fekuki moe palopalema lalahi e 4:

    1. Fakalaumalie
    2. Fakapolitikale
    3. Fakaekonomika
    4. Fakaaosiale

    Sihova pe e taha tene lava o solova. Ka koe fehui, oku tau ui kiai o kole tokoni? Kuo movetevete kakai, falala e niihi ka Akilisi moe Ptoa tenau solova, falala e niihi kihe Tui moe Sotia, falala e niihi ki honau kau Fakafofonga Fale Alea.
    Kaikehe koe foki kakato la Sihova moe loto fakatomala.

  • Moneata
    Moneata Thursday, 22 March 2018 18:19 Comment Link

    Hange koe lau, taimi ke oatu hotau vale he kuo’osi atu hotau poto moe ikai pe. Pea oku toe iai pe foki oe nunu’a oe ta’efanongo.

  • Etimoni Fatui
    Etimoni Fatui Thursday, 22 March 2018 12:02 Comment Link

    Malo 'Etita pea ko hotau fatongia ke tau lea pe he 'oku tau'ataina kiai pea koe me'a ia 'a e kau taki pe tenau tali. 'Oku mahino 'a e 'uhinga 'o e tohi pea 'oku ou faka'amu 'e a'u atu 'eni.


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