Nepituno: Tukupā kia Kuini 'Ilisapesi II

Kōlomu 'Aati & Litilesā: Faiva Ta'anga, Hiva, & Haka / Art & Literature: Poetry, Music, & Dance Column
'Oku tomu'a fakafatu / fakafa'u 'a e ta'anga, pea tomui fakaafo / fakafasi & fakahaka / fakasino he tatau & potupotutatau ke ma'u 'ae mālie / faka'ofo'ofa -- 'o fakaola he māfana & vela ke ma'u 'ae tauelangi / Poetry is composed then put to both music & dance, through symmetry & harmony in the production of beauty -- resulting in warmth & fieriness in the creation of climatic elation (i.e., utility).
Filosofī Tā-Vā FakaTonga (& FakaMoana 'Ōsēnia) 'oe 'Aati / Tongan (& Moanan Oceanian) Time-Space Philosophy of Art
'Oku tukupā 'ae ki'i 'atikolo nounou ni fakataha mo e ta'anga hiva haka mālie koe "Nepituno" he funga 'oe 'apasia & mālū'ia he hala faka'ei'eiki 'a e Ta'ahine ko Kuini 'Ilisapesi II 'ofeina 'o Pilitānia Lahi moe Kominiueli / This short article together with the most beautiful song or sung and danced poetry, "(God) Neptune," is with solemnity and sanctity wholly dedicated to the gracious passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and the Commonwealth.
Ko e maa'imoa fakafatu / fakafa'u, fakaafo / fakafasi, & fakahaka / fakasino 'a Kuini Sālote Mafile'o Pilolevu Tupou III
Kupu/Verse 1
Nepituno fai ha‘o mālelenga
Kuou fanongo he talamahe‘a
Tāne kolosi ‘ae ‘Ekueta
‘Ehe Hau tu'u fakaleveleva
Koe siu fakahakonoa
‘Ae taulua tavakeoma
‘O fekumi kihe ‘api moana
‘Ae matakali Polinisia
Kupu/Veesi 2
Mafola he Pasifiki Saute
Hono ‘otumotu ne lauafe
Kane fakakū pea ‘anefē?
Kalauni sovaleni ne afe
‘Eva he matangi fakatētē
Pea moe ‘ea e vahamohe
He koe afenga fakame‘ite
Lata‘anga ‘oe manu ta‘ane
Kupu/Veesi 3
‘E Hina mo Sinilau ke hake
‘Ihe fanga ‘oe ‘Otu Felenite
Tama ko Tangita koe pā ē
‘Oku kei tu‘u moe lau pē
Kuo lahi ‘ae folau mole
He tautefua ‘a niumotu‘u ē
‘O fakamo‘oni he aho koē
‘Ae tepi fakangali fefine
He tuē tuē kae fēfē?
Koe hakailangi tau‘anga ē
‘Ofa ke tolonga ‘o tuputupu‘a
‘Ae Hau ‘oku malu‘ifonua
(God) Neptune
Poetry, music, & composed by Queen Sālote Mafile'o Tupou III
English translation by Mele Ha'amoa Māhina 'Alatini; Hikule'o Fe'aomoeako Melaia Māhina; & Hūfanga-He-Ako-Moe-Lotu, 'Ōkusitino Māhina
Verse 1
Neptune, do as you please
I have heard of the tale
That she crossed the Equator
The reigning Victor of all
Who was on a leisure trip
A twin swift-flying tavake bird
Searching a home in the ocean
Of the Polynesian people
Verse 2
Dispersed in the South Pacific
Islands in their thousands
But, when and where was it?
Worth a thousand pounds
Riding on the wind as rivals
Along the vast sleepy ocean
As invitees for celebration
A womanly attraction for men
Verse 3
Hina and Sinilau come ashore
At the shore of Friendly Isles
Ye Child Tangita, here is your shield
As it stands fast and still
Many a voyages have got lost
Yet, it‘s hanging on in earnest
Evidently, in the day we celebrate
Walking womanly-like with pride
Alas, alas, and why alas?
This is one of climatic elation
My love, that it may last forever
The Victor, a safe-guardian of fonua
Ko e ki'i fakamatala & huluhulu nounou
Na'e maa'imoa fakafatu / fakafa'u, fakaafo / fakafasi, & fakahaka / fakasino 'ae ta'anga hiva haka sani-mo-viki ni koe ma'alali 'oe fua hā'ele 'a'ahi mai 'ae Ta'ahine 'Ofeina ko Kuini 'Ilisapesi II 'o Pilitānia Lahi ki Tonga (fakataha moe ngaahi fonua Kominiueli 'i Moana Ōsēnia) 'i Tīsema 1953 -- hili hono hilifaki kalauni 'i Sune 1953 na'e hā'elea 'ehe Ta'ahine 'Ofeina ko Kuini Sālote Mafile'o Pilolevu Tupou III 'o Tonga Lahi.
Kātaki 'alā kae vakai kihe ongo hiva haka ta'anga sani-mo-viki mo ma'alali mālie fau hono hā'elea 'ehe Ta'ahine 'Ofeina ko Kuini Sālote Mafile'o Tupou III 'o Tonga Lahi he kātoanga hilifaki kalauni 'oe Ta'ahije 'Ofeina ko Kuini 'Ilisapesi II 'o Pilitānia Lahi koe, "Hā'ele ki Pilitānia" 'ae Ta'ahine 'Ofeina ko Kuini Sālote Mafile'o Pilolevu Tupou III -- moe "Hā'ele ki Pilitānia" 'a Peni Tutu'ila.
'Oku mālie atu hono afio'i 'ehe Ta'ahine 'ae tukufakaholo faifolau fakaUēsite he'ene kolosi 'ae 'Ekueta meihe tonga / lalo kihe tokelau / 'olunga 'o hangē koe Kuini 'o Tonga moe kolosi 'ae 'Ekueta meihe tokelau / 'olunga kihe tonga / lalo 'o hangē koe Kuini 'o Pilitānia. 'Oku fai leva 'ehe toutaivaka / 'eikivaka 'ae ouau 'i falevaka he'enau kolosi he 'Ekueta koe fakamālō kia Nepituno koe 'Otua Loma 'oe Tahi he'enau tui 'oku nau 'i vaka mo nau folau.
A brief note:
This song or sung and danced poetry of praise was composed in celebrations of the royal visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain to Tonga (including the Commonwealth countries in Moana Oceania) in December 1953 following he coronation in June 1953 -- attended by Her Majesty Queen Mafile'o Pilolevu Tupou III of Great Tonga.
Please note the two songs of praise, viz., "Her Majesty's Trip to Britain" by the Queen herself -- and "Royal Trip to Britain" by Peni Tutu'ila as celebrations of Her Majesty's attending the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, in June 1953.
Her usage of Neptune, God of the sea, as both affective and effective metaphor reflects her wide knowledge of this key protocol and etiquette when crossing the Equator in voyaging -- as were her south-north trip to Great Britain and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II north-south royal visit to Great Tonga.
Tau toki hoko atu.
ANFF, leva e malanga kae tau mo a'u,
'Ofa fau moe na'una'u ma'u
Tavakefai'ana, Sēmisi Fetokai Kulīha'apai Moahehengiovava'ulahi Potauaine, Unitec Institute of Technology & Vava'u Academy for Critical Inquiry & Applied Research.
Professor Maui-TāVā-He-Ako Dr Tēvita O. Ka'ili, BYU Hawai'i & Vava'u Academy for Critical Inquiry & Applied Research.
Professor Hūfanga-He-Ako-Moe-Lotu Dr 'Ōkusitino Māhina, Vava'u Academy for Critical Inquiry & Applied Research & Lagi-Maama Academy & Consultancy.