  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Fakamalo atu pe ki he Nepituno hono kei tufaki mai e ngaahi fakamatala ko eni kuo molia e loto 'o e tokolahi 'i hono kumoa 'e he PM mo 'ene PATOA e media pea koe malo pe kei ma'u ha loto ke fai'aki e ngaue mahu'inga ko eni 'o lava ke haofaki mai ha ongoongo mo ha fakamatala 'oku mo'oni ke mau si'i laukonga ai. 'Oku mau fakatauange 'e vave mai a Sisu moe mo'oni he kuo mau fiu homau lohi'aki'i. Hange koe lau 'a POTOA, koe vakai pe na'e laka e NON-PATOA kae fai pe Kele'a moe PM he loi. Talamonu ai pe ki he Nepituno 'ofa ke mou ma'u ha ta'u fo'ou monu'ia kae'uma'a si'ono kau laukonga.