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Internet Act in Tonga Wanted by Public Says Communications Minister Featured

Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni Communications Minister Hon. Siaosi Sovaleni Communications Minister

Nuku'alofa, 12 Ocotber 2015. The Communications Minister in Tonga says moves to create a new body with powers to block selected online content has addressed public concerns about internet usage.

Siaosi Sovaleni says bills passed through the house last week aim to protect children from misusing the internet.

If a website or internet connection is disseminating information deemed not good for the community, a new commission will have the authority to take down the website.

Mandatory filtering will also come into force which will block some inappropriate websites although people can opt out of this.

Mr Sovaleni says the changes in law answer issues that came up in public consultations.

"There were some concerns about the negative impact of the high penetration of using the internet and so forth so there are a couple of provisions that actually provide some measures to mitigate those potential problems."

Mr Sovaleni says it is important to keep child pornography and other such material out of the kingdom but peoples' freedoms will not be infringed upon in doing so.

Source: RNZI


  • Tukulalo
    Tukulalo Tuesday, 13 October 2015 20:17 Comment Link

    Malie e talanga pea koe ifo ia e laku mai ho'omou fakakaukau ke mau tufi ai pea 'aonga ki he anga 'etau nofo.

  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Tuesday, 13 October 2015 16:53 Comment Link

    Mālō Kilioni...Tau vakai ange ki he fakapotopoto mo e 'uhinga totonu 'a ho'o laú: (1) 'Oku sai e lao ko 'ení; (2) Ta'ota'ofi e tufaki e polokalama faka-lieliá 'i he Ngaluopé (Internet); (3) Ke 'oua 'e uesia 'etau fānaú mo honau 'atamaí; (4) temokalati pē ka e kei ngāue'aki 'a e fo'i 'ulu fōlahí, 'ikai ko e fo'i 'ulu fōsi'i.
    1. 'Oku ke loto lelei ki ha fa'ahinga lao pē 'e to'o ai ho'o tau'atāina leá mo e fakahā-lotó 'oku le'ohi mo malu'i 'e he Konisitūtoné?
    2. 'Oku ke 'ilo 'oku 'i ai 'a e founga ke " mapule'i 'e he mātu'á" (parental control) 'i he komipiuta kotoa, 'o a'u ki he ngaahi telefoni to'oto'ó (smart phones), ke ta'ofi e ngaahi polokalama faka-lieliá? 'Oku totonu ke ako ki ai 'a e mātu'á ko honau fatongia.
    3. Kohai ia e mātu'a tenau faka-ngofua ha polokalama ki he 'enau komipiuta 'i honau 'apí, pē ko e ngaahi telefoni to'oto'ó 'a e fānaú, ke "uesia ai 'a e fānaú mo honau 'atamaí?" 'I he ta'e tokanga 'a e mātu'á ke malu'i 'enau fānaú, 'e mole ai 'a e totonu tau'atāina 'a e kakaí faka-lūkufuá.
    4. 'Oku ta'e fe'unga kiate au ho'o 'omai e lea faka-lielia ko e "fo'i 'ulu fōsi'í" ki he faka-mafola 'i he Ngaluopé. 'Oku totonu ke ta'ofi ho'o tohí 'e he 'ētitá, pea faka'ilo koe 'i he lao fo'oú ko ho'o 'omai e fakamatala faka-lieliá ki he Ngaluopé.
    Kā 'e mole ai ho'o tau'atāina leá kuo le'ohi mo malu'i 'e he Konisitūtoné, neongo 'oku faka-lielia ia kiate au mo 'eku fānau 'oku nau lau 'a e Nepitunó. Na'e 'eke mai 'e hoku 'ōfefine ta'u 13 pe koehā 'a e "fo'i 'ulu fōsi'i?" Na'a ku fu'u 'ohovale, pea u fakamatala ange 'a hono 'uhingá; talamai leva 'e he ta'u 13 'oku faka-lielia 'etau talanoa 'i he Ngaluopé.
    'Oku ke fiema'u 'a e temokalatí, ka 'oku ke loto ke fa'u pē 'e he Pule'angá 'a e lao teke loto ki aí. 'Ikai 'oku totonu ketau lototaha ki he le'ohi mo e malu'i 'a e Konisitūtoné? Teu kei poupou'i ai ho'o totonu ke 'omai e lea faka-lieliá ki he Ngaluopé.
    Ka 'oku 'i ai 'a e taimi totonu mo e feitu'u totonu ki hono faka-'aonga'i 'o e lea faka'apa'apá, pea ketau fetoka'i 'aki.

  • Fihaki
    Fihaki Tuesday, 13 October 2015 16:21 Comment Link

    Ko e ki'i fonua si'isi'i eni mo fa'u lao lahi taha 'i mamani mo 'ikai ke enforce. Ka 'oku 'iai e lao ia 'oku mahu'inga ange ke fa'u pe fakalelei'i e lao ki he Fili Fale Alea.
    Ko e Lao Fili Fale Alea 'osi taimi ke fakatonutonu, koe kalasi koena 'o Lavulavu mo Mateni kapau kuo mahino e case pehee, na'e taimi ke fai pe hono hopo'i 'ona kimu'a pea fakaava e Fale Alea. He ka toki out naua 'i Novema, kuo na kau naua he fokotu'utu'u mai mo e paloti 'a e ngaahi me'a 'i Fale Alea talu mei Me. Pea fokotu'u ha medical ground mo ha ta'u penisoni pau 'o e kau memipa he koe 'atunga ena, ku a'u e PM 'o ta'u 70+, kuo taimi ia ke malolo ki falelotu 'o lau folofola. Pea 'oku 'ikai keu fakaanga au ki he ngaahi me'a 'oku hoko he ku fu'u lahi e ngaue ia ki he fonua 'o fakatatau ki hono ivi mo hono ta'u. Kaikehe ko e anga pe 'a e fakakaukau!

  • Kilioni
    Kilioni Tuesday, 13 October 2015 09:52 Comment Link

    Oku sai e lao ko eni ke ta'ota'ofi atu 'aki e tufaki e fklielia ihe internet ke oua tene uesia etau fanau mo honau atamai. Oku mo'oni e lau, tau temokalati pe kae kei ngaue'aki pe ho tau fo'i ulu folahi, ikai koe fo'i ulu fosi'i - ka tau tolonga.

  • Sione A Mokofisi
    Sione A Mokofisi Tuesday, 13 October 2015 05:13 Comment Link

    These are code phrases for Censorship. First, the scare tactics used on parents to protect children, is the same tactics used in the CEDAW Treaty campaign: "To protect women and children from our outdated traditions."
    Parallelism tricks in logic to camouflage their real this case, government usurping our "free speech" rights against censorship, which is protected under the Constitution. Hon. Sovaleni wants to be the Internet Czar of Tonga, and declaring: (1) To save our children from the horrible and sinful contents of the Internet called pornography, by getting the undying support of religious leaders (public); (2) to scare parents against the corrupted influence of the Internet on their computers and children's mobile phones (uncontrolled); (3) and government decides what's good and suitable for the public (censorship). Refer to my new article on "censorship" on Nepituno.
    Let's anoint Hon. Sovaleni as the Tonga Internet Czar George I. He will tell us what's appropriate and what's good for us to receive, read, and view on the Internet. This is authoritative "statism," not the democratic liberty we were told was coming. We are not children to be lectured to, and told we're unfit to choose what's best for us; we are not intelligent enough to think for ourselves. Why not teach folks to use their "parental control" features on their computers, and on their children's mobile phone devices? We want to do our own filtering of information we receive and broadcast, not to have government do it for us.


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