“ Everyone has a right to their own views, interpretation and opinions regarding CEDAW..and I respect those who support CEDAW for that . What am concerned about is what they are selling to the public , focusing on the " not your average privilege women to their social , political ,economic and cultural rights "..we are all entitled to those rights in one form or another..Is CEDAW a solution or more a threat to our society ? .. What's is so wrong with treating women in Tonga nowadays that CEDAW is very much needed ?..Domestic violence ? , abuse of women ? , rape ?..etc , Isn't that all well defined under our laws in Tonga ?...what more is needed ?..death penalty may be ?...social and cultural rights ?..aren't women held in high regards in our traditional and social aspects ?..economic and political rights ?..we are all the same under the law ..or you rather want a special seat in Parliament reserved only for women ? ..but does that go against the very idea you are promoting in equal status ?..or is it the lame excuse the Government is using ?..ratifying it just to show the world we support it ....which we have always been doing here..we ratify it and they use it as a stepping stone to pushing and force feeding us with what they want. ”