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SOVEREIGNTY IS THE ISSUE, AND NO WAY COULD CHINA VOTE FOR TONGA IN THE UN...Tonga must be present and vote in the UN Security Council. They can say anything they want, but to vote is another matter.
I agree with the legal counselor, Mr. Nalesoni Tupou...except for his final comment, "unless the Tongan government had already given approval..." That's nuts, and unthinkable. NO COUNTRY GIVES UP THEIR SOVEREIGNTY NO MATTER FOR HOW MUCH MONEY...except of course, Fiji bent over and surrendered to England without a fight.
Sorry folks but no country can piggy-back another country in an UN Security Council vote, including the Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, like China, U.S.A, Russia, France, and Britain. Like our Parliament, nobody can vote for another MP, and neither the PM could speak or vote for another MP.
Mr. Cao Xiaolin must be drinking rice whiskey to announce China could vote for Tonga in the UN Security Council. "China speaks for Tonga and other developing countries with a view to safeguarding our common interests." What common interest?
China is loaded with cash while Tonga "and other developing countries" have their hands out for more freebies. Plus China gives "sincere and selfless" is like what the Godfather said to the poor man who owes him money and favors: "Don't worry, I will give you an offer you cannot refuse."