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Henry 'Aho, everybody is entitled to their opinions, we call it freedom of expression. Israel exercised his constitutional rights to say what he believes. You are now trespassing on my rights by trying to tell what to say and how to say it. You and Joey over-exaggerate the leiti's issues in Tonga and you paint a totally different picture of the Tongan leitis. Give us evidence of Tongan leitis who became suicidal or were disowned by their families because of Israel's remarks. I have talked to a lot of leitis in Tonga who said they don't mind Israel's remarks because it doesn't affect them or change the way they live their lives. They understand that people have different ways of expressing their views and they accept it the same way people accept them and their views and their ways of life.
So Henry, stop that nonsense and do something more constructive to the leitis. Why don't you look for funding to train them in much needed skills to improve their livelihoods. Some letis can't even write their names properly or even plan a way to earn a decent and honest living. That's what you should do if you want to support them. Talking to the media and interfering with people's views wont' put bread on the table. You sit up there in your ivory tower and enjoy good food and stylish lifestyle while your poor leitis clean pots, pans and toilets in other people's homes to earn a few dollars.
You need to uplift and improve their livelihoods, not play politics to conform to some demands from international donors that pump money into your pocket.
You blind the leitis with politically correct terminologies to keep them poorer and make you richer and richer.