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This significant article on the interview of Associate Professor Dr Malakai Koloamatangi (Mafua-'ae-Lulutai) calling for the dire need for "Tonga MP to step up and end turmoil" must be read together with the informative editorial review and view by the Editor of the current state of political leadership in Tonga ("Vaivai 'a e tu'unga fakataki he fonua") and both be also read together with Mark Hanson's interesting comment on the two Lavulavus under the serious crimes of fraud they have recently been charged for ("'E toe ha 'Akosita mo 'Etuate Lavulavu he Fakamaau'anga 'aho 26 Ma'asi").

Should the good call by Associate Professor Dr Koloamatangi be changed from "Tonga PM needs to step up and end turmoil" to "Tonga PM (and all his Cabinet Ministers) need(s) to STEP DOWN and end the turmoil for him (them) personally (collectively) and more importantly for the whole of the innocent people" (tukukehe 'ae kakai na'a nau fili 'a e kau TEMO moe PTOA) in view of the fact that he completely lacks (or has "weakness of," to use the editorial view and review) the physical, mental and spiritual capacity and capability to lead the country (or, worst still, be even considered a leader)? That is, "he 'oku (nau) sino vaivai, 'atamai vaivai mo laumalie vaivai!"

What about his entire Cabinet Ministers, do they all, like the PM (like the Ministers), have "sino vaivai, 'atamai vaivai, and laumalie vaivai," to lead or even be considered leaders? 'O hange pe ko e ke i mafaifai mo fematematei 'a e ongo Lavulavu hono fai 'a e siokita, ta'e'ofa, ta'emingao, ta'emanonga mo e ta'eoli (neongo kuo a'u ki he Tu'i 'o Tonga mo e Tu'i 'o Langi) he'ena feinga ke taetae 'ae me'a kotoa pe 'oku na fou mo faingamalie ke fai he funga 'o e hokohoko kaka, matafefeka mo e pau'u lotu ka e fefe 'ala si'i kakai 'o e fonua?