“ Whether intentional or accidental, it is truly a great thrill to see the outfits of Mate Ma'a Tonga in red (kula) and black ('uli) colours. Both colours are philosophically fundamental yet cultural colours of Tonga. This is most evident across the material (tufunga) and fine (nimamea'a) arts, as in in red kafa-sennit (kafa kula) and black kafa-sennit (kafa 'uli) in material art of kafa-sennit-lashing (tufunga lalava) and red koka dye (koka kula) and black tongo dye (tongo 'uli) in the fine art of bark-cloth-making (nimamea'a koka'anga) and many more. By the way, white (hinehina) is a form or red (kula). ”