  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Kuo mate hotau ma hono fakae'a mai 'ehe Palemia Ha'amoa e laumalie 'oe fengaue'aki he levolo fakavaha'apule'anga. "... I always hold sports as a major outlet for many of our unemployed youth, so sport is very dear to me and I want to save the Games," , ke fakahaofi e sipoti mei he kau 'atamai nounou 'ae pule'anga Tonga. Te'eki a'u e fakakaukau ia 'ae motu'a taki kihe levolo ko eni, he 'oku kei nofo holo pe ia he me'a koe fanongo lau, fetuku lau moe ngutulau. Fe'au'auhi e kau taki 'oe ngaahi fonua koee he okooko ma'a honau kakai kae femou'ekina pe motu'a ni ia he fakatotolo lau moe totongi mo'ua ki he'ene fanga pone. Faka'ofa ee. Ka koe 'atunga foki ia e 'ilo pe 'oku size kitikiti hoto ki'i va'e kae holi pe ke tui e fu'u su size papela!!! Me'a pe 'oku hoko ko hono tufi mai e pepa moluu 'o fakakakano'aki e va'e ke hao he su.