  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Fakamalo atu Valerie pea 'ofa pe ke fanongo atu a e fonua kia te koe 'oku ke sipoti koe kau tama ni koe fk'ofa atu. Mahalo pe kuo mei 'asi mai mo Paea Wolfgram pea 'oku fk'ofa 'ae kehekehe ho'omou sio moe kau ekonomika 'a Tonga ni. 'Oku te'eki ke fkfisi e Minisita Pa'anga malooloo 'Aisake pea moe Minista Pa'anga lolotonga mei hon fkhoko e sipoti pea koe kau maloo pe eni 'oku nau tala e fktu'utamaki.