  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Tau manatu ki he fu'u manu ta'enanaa koeni ko Setane, 'oku 'ikai ufi pe tene toka'i ha taha, ko e tamalaki, faka'auha, tamate tangata mo e uki kakai ke tokolahi a heli ka e tokosi'i 'a hevani. Lavulavu kuo tokolahi ho kau muimui pea fe'unga aa ko ho'o fetoho e fu'u kakai tokolahi koena kemou kakaha kotoa he anoafi ke ha? Mou tukuange atu 'a mamani kae lava ke mou a'usia e palani faka'ofo'ofa 'a e 'Eiki kia kimoutolu.