“ Leaders of Pacific island nations are guilty of borrowing from China more than their Government could comfortably pay back . They should not assume that by borrowing and accumulating huge debts and defaulting on payment , thinking that China will cancel payment of their loans , think again , China will seek other avenues whereby countries can repay their debts , like voting along with the Chinese at the U.N. security council backing China in world affairs , letting China lease certain areas like port facilities on long term lease agreements , fishing rights in their E.E.Z . All this is to the advantage of the Chinese , Pacific islands nations will come off the loser because China will repossess Government assets in lieu of unpaid debt , instead of wiping the slate clean or write off the debt as a grant that is a definite NO ! NO ! . Why borrow so much when it's obvious to all in Government they have no chance in hell of repaying it at the agreed time . Do they really believe they could out smart the Chinese ???? ”