“ Why should the Premier take the mantle of Minister of Foreign Affairs unto himself , when he could've appointed someone like a Minister without portfolio to the position ?, or is there no one capable enough to hold that position . He should be spending more time at his desk , instead of galloping all over the world like a tourist . The title personal assistant , is that a government appointment ?This GALOOT of a leader is truly a lord unto himself isn't he? Well one would like to see what proposal and promises that will eventuate from this meeting , because it seems the Forum is just talk . Political problems ? they isolated Fiji when she was having leadership infighting but instead of helping her solve her problem they the Pacific Islands Forum kick her out even though she is an island nation . International relations , that's a laugh 'cause of the way the small nations kowtow to the big and powerful members of the Forum . Pollution ? what's been done to clean up the Giant islands of plastic floating in the Pacific ocean . Maritime boundaries ! what boundaries ? some of the countries that are giving AID monies to the nations within the Forum are the ones who are fishing illegally in their waters so who is willing to" BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU" ? ”