  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Ko e feinga ena 'a e tama na ke liliu ke Tonga kotoa 'uhinga kae lava 'ene fakapone mo e totongi pa'anga'i 'a e kau fakamaau lahi ke hao ai mei he mo'ua. Pau ange pe 'a e palangi 'oku taukei ange pea toe falala'anga ange 'a 'ene faitu'utu'uni. 'ikai ke tali ia 'e he palangi 'a e totongi kato 'ufi mo e pa'anga. Kou lau hifo 'a e ongoongo 'oku lolotonga mo'ua lau miliona 'a Semisi Sika ki he Potungaue Tukuhau 'a Tonga. Ngali ko ha feinga 'eni ke lava ai 'a hono tamate'i 'a e mo'ua koia?