  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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Hainite, ka ne 'a'aa 'etau kau polisi he'ikai hola e palangi. Ka ne 'a'aa 'enau fakakaukau tenau pamu e lolo e vaka ke tu'umaha pe telia na'a 'i ai ha 'aho pehe ni. Ko e ha e toki ukufi fakamo'oni kuo hola e siana, toe lahi e mole pa'anga tukuhau a e kakai he 'utuvaka ko e fetuli mo e faihiaa ko e 'ikai tokanga ki he ngaue. Ai e shift koia ne ngaue po'uli pea nau mohe 'o suspend mo e TA'ETOKANGA.