  • One of the files that is needed for the correct operation of the System - CW Gears plugin appears to be missing! Please install a fresh copy of the latest version to fix this issue.

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'Oku tau ongo'i kotoa pe fu'u mo'ua ko 'eni, he 'oku fu'u lahi fau ke totongi 'e he kau faka'iloa tautefito kia Solomone Palu. Kaikehe koe anga ia 'o e mo'ui, he 'oku tau faitohi kotoa pe he media & facebook pea maloo pe 'etau hao 'atautolu. Toe tokanga ange pe kau faitohi, mo e kau 'Etita ki he ngaahi tohi fefeka mo ta'eufii, he koe lavea 'a e taha faitohi, 'e 'ongo'i kotoa 'e he toenga e famili. Pea mahalo koe mamahi tatau pe ne si'i ma'u 'e he kau mamahii mo honau ngaahi famili, kae fakatauange ki he 'Otua kene 'oatu ha fakanonga ki he 'Etita moe kau ngaue 'a e Kele'a mo koe Saimone. 'Amusia moutolu kau mamahi, pea mou 'ofa 'o taki $100 atu ma'a Solomone, he kapau na'e 'ikai a Solomone he'ikai ma'u ha'o $10,000 hee Fe'ao Vakata ee!!!.